
Monday, July 27, 2020

#GeorgeWashington turning over in his grave, knowing that the citizens are NOT the #BLM, #TraitorsAfoot

Richard Joseph Stephan · Monday, July 27, 2020 
-------------  #StealTheseWords ------------
Look what you made me do, I needed to get my daughter back in school so we start to fade
She excelled before in school, magna cum laude, then she flunked her finals and her grade
Did i mention she became pregnant on “F” Street? No? I forgot but that’s quite the suitors
To be or not to be on “F” Street and I know you know what I mean, check this out haters.

Whip things up on the TV and the Marconi, nobody reads blogs, newspaper faux electronics
Therefore, we’re on our own, you are the Cause of the Smashing and the Grinning cheap trix
Like a Virgin for the very first time, the boys are too excited to know the way of the extinction
You and I must flow, although the militant civilians want to spit in your nakedly masked face.

Who cares what the name of the game is, call it Peace or War or War and Peace or just Chaos
When and where this happens you’ll get a thousand credits to the wings of the right, uno dos
Aliens who had no parents fending for themselves, raising cane with the neighbors, 1 & done.
Here and now, we’re finished descendants of the Bible, Quran and Bhagavad Gita, we’re One.

OK and just fine that you’re quite the philosopher and scribbler of faux news, motherless kids
Here is the point of the spear, pointed directly at your side while you’re hung on the CO-Vids
As if the human race has never had any history of violent revolution since the Beatles’ lovers
All you need is love and then #EverythingIsBeautiful, now and forever, Evil won’t live, losers!

Think what you’re trying to do with the life you’ve been rewarded just for being egg/sperm
Come on over to the far side, the dark side where the Truth be told and actually understood
To be or not to be makes absolutely no difference to Man, to Ant or Rat, neither to the gods
If there’s more than One God, fine, then they’re all responsible for this infinite menage trois.

Where’s your daughters, grand ones too? Where’s your wives & girlfriends? COVid covered?
You will never know what the notes are that were scribbled down from your class’ dreamboat
She said you were gonna be the first, she said I was gonna be first too, everybody was the first
But if I was her, I probably would’ve #STFU never flapped gums on da bums, OMG daughter!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 7-27-2020 A.D. @ 10:10 AM PST
{ Drafted loopin’ #AMRadio Everclear youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hjg39XRkjVc }

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