
Tuesday, August 04, 2020

#WhatDoYouThinkBoutThat? #PowerShifts

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, August 4, 2020
--------- #GoodTimes #BadTimes ---------
I kiss my mom these days by blowing her a windless kiss from six feet away, dying viral fools
We never see one another’s face any more, we’ve got iPhone photos and celluloid Kodak flicks
Everything in due time, everything is everything and nothing is nothing, the Dalai Lama rules
Bringing it all to the table with the cartoons I love to watch, 24/7 the The Simpsons’ shticks.

An Event Horizon from out of nowhere and without any warning from the AM radio like glue
Stuck on me as I was gettin’ down on a beautiful day, out by the swimming pool of clear blue
Nothing there to bother us except bad guys who followed my daughter home, bad guy’s ways
I had to go from peace to war in a moment without a thought, warrior mode on purple haze.

I don’t fight, I deny the outcome has anything to do with any of my actions, yes they’re dead
But there was something wrong with their minds, they wanted to kill me, my fearless dread
Philosophy of waiting for the moves and responding in effect with the check mate in nines
Finished before the opponent recovers from the descent into the abyss, angels’ stop signs.

In no hurry to stroke the accelerator because at that point, there’s no more fair competition
It makes me feel such sympathy for the relentless loser who couldn’t believe it would happen
I see what you see but you say you don’t see it, I don’t care though, I know you are a genius
Top of your education’s class of superior students, who studied to excel, to be superior dust.

Which in the end is still all you and I are, regardless of the function of the PhD or HS diploma
In the wind, at the end, all alone, no wife, husband, no kin at at all, One, in a morbid pleroma
Think about the living stars, the dead stars, the unborn stars, then think that you exist here
In the middle of nowhere, outside of 93 million miles to the nearest origin, a climax, a beer.

Nothing to get all riled up about until it’s time to use your skills of self defense from the mob
When they come out of nowhere from the dregs of somebody’s society, can’[t get a living job
They come in busloads dressed with their baby grouchy-Marxist garb, ready for a stone age
Rock music and the classical Jazz, Country and Soul pieces of Culture, Americana in deluge.

Stay with me one more moment, descend into the ascending vortex, into the holy, full of zeal
Coming up or down, just because there’s no other way to go, gravitational collapse of the field
Interrupting the coitus long enough to cause the species to go extinct by a devilish good deed
In error, Truth became the Lie and that was the Key to the End, the Finale, it was a bad seed!

r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, August 3rd, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST
{ #GodInHeaven ? Ripped this from my leased gullet while listenin’ to the mighty Carlos Santana #LIVEconcert on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Afaf6YWWqD4 }

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