
Friday, September 25, 2020

@ACDC @ZZTOP #HaveMercy

Richard Joseph Stephan * Friday, September 25, 2020 

----- #NothingVenturedEverythingGained -----
Full house of aces and queens who hook up every century like it frozen cool or not at all
It might be the case that you are qualified or not, nothing really matters, we all in freefall
On the roof of the place you call your home, it’s over your head ape-like April’s fool show
Monkeys have a religion just like the humans and the demons, it is what it is, ain’t it G?

Morphological display in the mirror, full frontal, full turn lookin’ out at the movie stars
They burn in the darkness, your idiot mind thinks that the pope will rule the Left’s bars
If a Roman Catholic baptized and educated, indoctrinated into the way of the stoonads
Roe v. Wade means that it is not murder or killing when you voluntarily abort Gods.

For the sake of the middle of the road where the edge of tomorrow rolls into a big ball
On one end and the other of the line, drawn between here and there, hear the wolf call
Behind the wall, in back of the barn, underground in the sewer, right in front of my eyes
Blink about the Singularity, be conceived without a will, gestate, birth, death to the skies.

Reason made easy to follow, to repeat the identical word sequence is the way we know
Words formed into sounds and written in gibberish on cave walls or paper, ad nauseum
Bizarre grief for the fallen soldiers, winners and losers, all of this is really all about them
As a monkey saith, don’t believe everything you hear, heroes or villains, in gods we trust.

Your move was Queen to King’s Knight Three, checkmate, game’s over for me now, and how
I shall retire by just resigning the next several games before they begin, I am in charge now
The game’s rules remain the same, in the end, nothing matters, if it did, nobody would care
Reason DNA code’s are the form of matter is because #BingBangBongs will never whimper.

r j j stephan, i
c. Friday, 9-25-2020 A.D. @ 3:33 PM PST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to AC/DC #Soulstripper #1 HIT EVER on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/CgPgNzQYQQ4 }

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