
Friday, October 02, 2020

#LetsTrumpTheAcesAndKings #GameOver @BeachBoys @CheechAndChong #OxygenAndLove #FreeSpinich #Popeye

-------------- #BEACH -------------

Support nothing and you’ll never be wrong about anything, believe nothing’s red rubber ball
A shell of empty thoughts from the ilk of the dead men’s live women who preceded us, y’all
It wasn’t their faults that they were idiots and morons who mutated into babbling geniuses
For the sake of the critique of pure reason, shut your mouth, zip your lip and stop the fuss!

Bury your knee into the back of the freaks from the seven continents of rat and roach wetback
Crawling, burrowing and eating their infinite ways into the ash of this planet’s dead talking
You got bats to play ball with, bats to bite and inject the venom of the COVid19 #batflu shock
In or out of control is OK if you’re a radio hose(t) without a psychiatrist, just keep dancing.

Two choices and no more than that are needed in this confrontation with the meaning of life
To survive or to become extinct of body and soul, no other way to look at the reality of strife
Talking and speaking kindly won’t get a job done, TV damaged adults who think they’re genii
Here and now, ambulances screech their sirens and play the way to the end of days, it’s over.

Your informed point of view is never needed in the public domain, keep it to yourself pundits
My mother and father taught me the way to be, you cannot help the orphaned ones, so stupid
Using the ability to reason due to the inheritance of rationality of thought, we rise to the top
Of the matrix here and now, this time in this space of infinite, cosmic gold dust & #Cornpop!

Who and what and of course where, most importantly why in the world’s intercourses for all
Why are you and why am I anything more than a thing on Earth that nothing eats you nor me
At least not right now since we are the top of the food chain and that goes with God’s territory
You gotta believe you’ll die when you die, come on man, #Kilroy was here & stole your will!

Brought forth the wet, chilling scum to remix the DNA acid in the holy seplechur of Earth dirt
I am therefore, I’ve been and will be more or less than a 1 celled amoeba, a paramecium spurt
Shocked by lightening & thunder, electric kook-ade drunks full belly of pure grain C2H5OH
Analyzed microeconomics and the philosophical clowns, come on man! It is what it is, eh?

r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday, September xxx, MMXX @ 5:55 PMPST
{ Drafted before I began a rerun frenzy of #AfghanistanSheet bit @CheechAndChong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Hm9kkmq6A1c }

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