
Thursday, October 29, 2020

#ToTheGhetto @IAmOne #ExtrovertedHives @LemonadeStand

Richard Joseph Stephan
c. Jeudi, ROCKTOBER 29TH, 2020 A.D. @ 7:11 AMPST

A suspicious mind with or without the true love and infatuation with the darkness’ deep fade
Evolution of things themselves, firing rounds off at will, pullin’ the triggers to take you down
We’re here alone, maybe so but for certain we got it all with holy dots, creation’s night shade
Babies, infants to contrarians who live and die in wisdom and ignorance, drying’ up in bars.
A lot is out of phase as you recollect the past of this present and in total innocence, breathe in
Breathe out and learning to continue that function with or without my free will, unless its sin
Is not to be and then it’s up to the Man or Woman upstairs, the Holy Spirit, an old, bad Eagle
Either way in the great cities with the bad smells, rivers run through them to share the regal.
Devils may be the only option to turn to given the present circumstances, if you think about it
For a moment, no sense on dwelling on impossible calculus, equations all in abstraction’s skit
From the zero, Time and Space lines move to the right or the left, up and down to the in & out
Dreaming of highest places in space we can go, top of hills and big mountains, twist & shout!
In the mirror, through the glass to see a light year ahead of yesterday, here it is, so heretofore
Monkeys began this whole shebang and we appear to have lost the memory and the body hair
Still the same mocking, monkey see and monkey do, land of Lemonade stands of pusher’s pot
Where mamas all left us to get rocked in the wind and the rain, like it or not, it’s what we got!
I knew it was my gramma rockin’ me at a certain point of abandonment to the 5 kids post me
Babies calling my name, blamin’ me for bad boy, big brother mean punk, spoiled brat spree
It came to a screechin’ halt when the Air Force BTraining BRAINdosed me into compliance
Walking and marching and exercising in the darkness of southern Texas, wake up call y’all!
Inside of the frequency of the repetition of the causes and effects is the divine presence of Id
It moves the things and without It they stop and die, dissolve It into a burnt elemental flame
Of men and the rats that move from place to place of Space where you can ride like the Wind
Not only you but your favorite things, the cats who hang and the folks from whom you came.
Void meaning Nothing at all, more or less an empty container of atom-less content, just me
Left all alone, I am what all of that was all about and now it’s the Riding Like the Wind Free
Not a microscopic type, simultaneously a huge and tiny essence without a molecule to troll
Nothing to screw the nut onto, the threads are stripped and the resistance is futile, let’s roll!
Mitigating the killing bacteria and virus, I have my leukocytes armed and dangerous, cool peg
That’s the only smoke signals you’re gettin’ from me because I’m gonna cut y’all down if I can
Not that you’re mean or evil it’s just that you encumber the evolution of humanity, a bad egg
Dreamt colored blacks DNA became whites, DIG and reds and browns DNA, all too humane!
r j j stephan, i
c. Thursday, ROCKTOBER 29th, 2020 A.D. @ 6:36 AMPST
{...listenin’ to WAR THE BAND #HITS youTube link @ https://youtu.be/DaW-en7mtSQ }

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