
Sunday, November 08, 2020

#HaveATalkWithGod #IfGodDoesNotExistYouAreOutOfLuck #TheyCalledMeJoeRich #AllHandsOnDeck #PRINCE1

Richard Joseph Stephan
Today at 10:05 AM 
In & out of the feelings you learned from crying in a hole-womb, a bad smell perturbation
Alive and well in the composted final ending of Time and Space, erasing all face to face
With the friends and foes of the Dream, the #Woke move first and last, start to no place
For the sake of rationality & special creation of Adam and Eve, God was always a concept.
Entertaining the childhood reference from the Book or the Blind Faith of hooded priest foal
Priesthood from the pope to the father, a collar and a pledge to pretend to be a One & done
When they can be no more than you or I, no more than the hobo or the gadfly, rattle the roll
Perfection’s gross inequality of being & nothingness become the Ends, I am being alive, son!
Puns and explicit predicates for the subjects and objects of the the propositional logic & Scat
Which begins and ends with the essence of the entire load of x’s & o’s, curiosity killed the cat
Yet, I stand here on two paws, called feet because I don’t have four, got two hands to cosign
Stoppin’ the go, full speed ahead, yielded to caution, right, wrong, a cell of DNA’s acid brine.
Choice & Will to Power of creating something out of nothing, a given to me, hope’s all yours
Anger yields failure, pure expectation imagined as inevitable reality, yield a One’s happiness
Dead or alive, lived a past zygote to a century before & after the One, I thrive deep within
Heart flashin’ a sequence of days and nights before the presence, sacred to me, I am The Sin.
I gave up the ghost when Time arose, no accidental random aberration, planetary trajectory
Alive as long as I could and maybe a moment later than I should have, somebody helped me
Stayed alive because I wasn’t goin’ anywhere, I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna die, I am One
NYC to LA, just one of the continents I animate, the other six have my six or they’re 1 & done.
Singing in the rain or the blazing desert sun is one and the same thing, anything is All of You
Luck has nothing to do with the Time in this Space, it’s all intent, all and everything you want
Anything you need at all, you got it in spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts, It Is a royal flush
Cannot ever lose when everything in the complete cosmos is in my bones, Life is a cool Rush!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, BLOVEMBER 8TH, 2020 A.D.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this with me. I will need to process it further but it appears to me that you are walking through an Awakening. Welcome to the Light my brother! Enjoy the ride. -Sara Williams


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