
Monday, November 23, 2020

PERFECTLY FINE, #BATMAN! IT'S DANDY TO BE RUTHLESS, COME ON MAN! #EnjoyTheRide #Dead #Honeycomb #BatHominid #AC/DC2020 #JerryGarcia #GratefulDead #JohnCougar #DelaneyBonnyAndFriends #JimmieRodgers


Imposition of the following exposition upon your proverbial doorstep is the only way to spill the beans
I know and you know it's all a matter of forms' Time's Space and from the zygote to the corpse, scenes
Out of control & not in any specific order, random accidents of a First Cause's effect display, androids
That there too, everything from one cell of life to the complexity of the stars & refuse of the asteroids.

This here One thing itself and a myriad of forms it's taken in the universe, is a mortal, dreaming sleuth
Then nothing you thought was true is the Truth because in order for chaos to reign, lying is the truth
It's what lyin' liars do for a living, all day & half the night when asleep in dreams, marking the X's spot
It's where it's all happening, far from the Singularities of Supernovae that do their thing, blown too hot!

Peace and what comes when you lose it, the death and destruction will happen in due time, we, android
You don't have to fret and wonder about that specific act of life, death is inevitable as sure as the Light
On the off switch until it fails and returns to star dirt, asteroid dust, you are Earth, you're an asteroid
All explains nearly everything we consider a mystery, the occult unknown, blind baby's will all fight.

Crying into your private place where nobody can see tears rollin' or hear the voice imps whimpering
Morphine to assuage the morbidity and the pain's suffering, head to foot, skin to soul, my sky is crying
Without any security or back up reinforcement, I jumped out of the plane once and saw the Earth round
The chute didn't deploy & grounds of being rushed up to my face, embedded me in common ground.

A kind of man or woman you want to grow up to be is the one you are right now, y'all hella fast asleep
Waiting for the next step, the next day, the next thing to happen right in front of your eyes, like sheep
It's not your fault, it's the nature of the beast, there is no Free Will to choose one way or another, none
Everything you see and know through experience is a mirage in your mind, it's gone when you're gone!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, BLOVEMBER 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 08:30 hours
{  Drafted out of tune with a @GratefulDead concert in Philadelphia, 1989 #CrimsonWhiteAndIndigo link @ https://youtu.be/Qi-e0dKczJc }

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