
Saturday, December 19, 2020

CAROL'S CHRISTMAS LEGACY IMMORTAL HOME #ApeSheetCity #PrizeOfTheEyesWideOpen @TheEaglesBand @MavisStaples #EVOLUTION


It all changed in a NYC minute in the middle of the night when everybody was down & out rockin'

Fixed against preacher's loser coverage of life and behind the back stabs with points of molly dagger

Princes and queens move the far away place closer than you want it to be or not to be, in the kracken

Monkeys in paradise, eatin' the fruit falling from the trees, all eyes on the prize, recycle the seeds' sin.

Refugees and natives of the red, brown and black dirt from the #WhiteOut of the desert to the wet surf

Waves comin' in and out because of the wobble and spin of this crusted orb, assuming my dry dreams

Are true at least to me if not to the entire cosmos, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter jackin' me up/down

All of it just because without any First Cause, it's an immaculate conception of the bytes and sundowns.

Royalty and slavery are two sides of the same coin, flipped and landed only one way, never on an edge

Either all gone and pretending to still be here and now or else, we're in the middle of what broke loose

An idea from the nucleus of the thing itself that has no mass, no matter and no energy, It's just the funk

You've got to give it up before too long, nobody can accommodate one's Self without a slammin' dunk.

Sweet homes full of the savory love and kisses moms and sisters give to lips and cheeks, xmas cheers

Nothing but yesterday to remember and all but my mind remains irretrievable to the minions' careers

Try as they might, none of the tiny creatures, both big mutants and miniature pewter wizards & dragons

Eyes of sapphire, ruby, jade, diamond and opal, the hard rocks of Earth's Big Bang, come on now sons!

Smart apes creating fantasies to repeat to the unborn as they fight for the air to breathe, against all odds

Fast lane on track beneath my boots, I stand in the footsteps of the grandest dads who left it all in hehl

Slow pokes get to the finish line late, but they normally never quit because a quitter NEVER wins It

Losers never win because they are unfinished business within their genome, DNA damage of a Styth.


There's a hold on your credit and your friends and allies have abandoned you to the powers that be It

On good or bad days, in the end they all turn ugly due to the nature of Earth's mass, stardusted schyt

For the sake of the innocent minions who depend totally on mothers and fathers of the god-sent grace

To or from rubber souls of godparents to bundles of cryin' bones, Adam & Eve put a fix on our face!

A step up and a couple backward to where you came from, above or below the wise, blind man' bluff

Christ's masses for the sheep and lamb to barbeque and dine with a toast of the vino grapes of blood

No wrath to beget from a holy of holies, inside the seplechure I am what I can never not be, in suburbs

Impressive, Big Bangs' ultrasound, a smell of God's good & dirty rain comin' down my Chicago curbs.


r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, Freezember 19th, 2020 Anno Domini

{  Released the #Kracken this AM drafted this while listenin' to @MavisStaples #HoldOn in a loop at youTube link @ https://youtu.be/SvMMGf1wrms}



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