
Thursday, December 17, 2020

#GitJiggyWitIt #DoubleTimeLadiesAndGents #ChristmasOnHoldForPeace #FunkInAJar


Coloring books with crayons shaded rainbow, white to black, red, green noel-peace sign

Every little piece of the picture had some color, sometimes invisible to the oh not so fine

Beauty and the lack of the attractive genome, to procreate the species against Man's will

To be here forever in a form of mutated DNA in fully engaged on the accelerator downhill.

I've got a secret that everybody knows, a bigger fabrication of Truth than a divine Great Lie

To say that you get to be here longer than your living, loving 208 bones is a fool's way to die

Orphanage of the goddesses who progenated the beasts' numbers, one little girl scout cookie

Escaped before the dream ended & found eternity was never, neverland, oh say can you see?

Christmas and New Years just a way to complete the circular jerk of the planetary orbital path

Circling the ecliptic ad infinitum until the retro Big Bang, the Singularity is on the way, wrath

All that there is and all that will ever be has already been before and will be after you're gone

Miracle that you got a moment to rock and roll the Way, to see the reason why we rocked bone.

Holy and holly days between the other days, also as holy as the other, granted, just a blessed It

Monkeys, slugs, angels, demons saints, goddesses afoot putting the gold and skunk smoked Pot

To boil or to smoke until the remnants of the chemicals wade out into the human DNA, dip-chit

Into H2O's formula mix, a concoction unduplicated, a novel corona virus, a snowman's dry rot.

Church and the midnight mass to see if your girlfriends came to the late show, a Christ love fest

Thinkin' that the creator of the universe has the time to recreate the men and women of evil's best

Criteria for the judgement, a rational conclusion based on valid and consistent premises, & ouila!

It's all out in the open, the emperor exposed the naked truth, the way it had to be, a cool Coca cola.


r j j  stephan, i

c. December 17th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 2359 hours #BirthdayCakeOfTwins'59


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