
Sunday, January 24, 2021

#DoItOver #HadItInTheAir #CouldntLandIt

 <3 <3 <3
Coming into the final stretch of the humane race between gods and men, bereaved
From heaven's bowels of the Earth's core where the revolution within resides higher
Above the wind & rain which is evidence of clues to the solution of a time-looper fire
I know and you know we didn't know a thing when we were born or even conceived.

Monkeys saw what monkeys did and they repeated the identical behavior ad infinitum
Here and now we are in the middle of the dream without knowing it, snoring salty scum
Recombinant DNA in a Void's invisible star stuff, fissionary fusion, thermodynamic seas
Animated protoplasm, thinking it exists beyond planets, a false hope for high remedies.

Of the humane treatment of imbeciles and ignorant, blind believers in post starlight too
Many and the single One all involved in the revolution of blown bits of the sun-star, RA
If and only if you are fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time, you go
Above this world or deep in another, conscious or unconscious, the joke's in Talledega.

Faster cars goin' in reverse order of Time clocks, time outs remaining unknown to death
Gone in conception's deception with a shocking abortion or 100 years of decrepit health
What seems to matter is that you prepare for the End by being present, the here & now
Y'all think y'all got answers, being priests, nuns & FUBAR ministers of raw, cosmic stew.

As deduced from acacic records kept in a holy cave in the pretender's mind, it is Doom
It's on the way because it's natural, the actual imploding of the solar system in a hole
Deeper than finite oceans of hydrogen and oxygen, a Spirit moves it in a TV living room
Where you produce, then see visions of the imaginary, mind's eye scoring a fake goal.

Nothing sweet is inevitable, which is what's always been there, Nothing is a trick of one
Nothing at all is for everyone in any case, a superego is One & Many, a simultaneous me
Recollect the moment afore your conception in the womb, now you know, you see son
Can't hide golden silver from FRICTION mating, cool cats know it's One then, it is done!

Mercury, Mars to Uranus, beyond Neptune & Pluto, a divinity surrounds Earth's 17 seas
Around you like a hula hoop or a wedding ring, anything that rings a bell, gold to seize
Or the silver mountain of left over solar burns, all leftover debris of a supernova rift, Sun
More than One close to us all, all-good drops of cosmic, hot soup, Hell's Love, I'm a bum.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, January 24th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 3:33 AMPST
{  Quote by me, "You do what you do, I do what I do and then we're both done," drafted while listenin' to @WarTheBand #TheWorldIsAGhetto ala a #FourCorneredRoom & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/WFmCCxMp7BE }

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