
Thursday, January 28, 2021

#SanctuaryForJanuary #FixMeADrink #PutItToMyLips #GitGit #GoHomey #StraightToHehl

Ethical decisions from innocent, #Me2 children, babies of civilization's Ruins of #fake humans
Complicated, simple minds with complex mathematical representations of empty-void scrums
You, your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, enemies and friends are the ash of mortality sins
Alpha, Omega the plains of the X-men who either evolved from scum or on abandoned bums.

Morbidity rates as high as they've been since the origin of the system scat, tuna's are whale
Mixed in the cans with your mother's mayonnaise and pickled relish bits, shake your GD tail
Even apes' scat comes out in the end, they cover it up, they bury it all underground, squeeze
Pinch the final loaf out of the Ends of Time, we're all way too human, whatever jazz means.

Punks rollin' with the #Sell because they cannot buy, when they sell it all, it'll be the #fake milk
Young punks, hobos and civil servants hiding in the bush, in back of the anonymous #GuyFuchs
Radio waves and TV waves putting the Gold and Silver into the raped slum lord head, #godnose
On being your egg before your were inseminated, teach your children instead of the #Marx' ilk.

What is the meat but the dead animals' flesh and bones that used to be alive, death we love It
A means to Life, dead animals and plants consumed, processed #OldSchool in the #White light
Black lights make all skin look purple, black and white are just long-knife, angry colorless eyes
In and out of the filling stations, consuming more or less until the last breath, a colonic release.

Explaining the scent of death, a release of subways' innards of your own choice, #NoTuna hunger
Notwithstanding you not being there for the experience, just recollect your friends who love her
Mother Earth's power, electrical essence to get the Cause, first & last to be a happy, fisted HoHo
Eaten magic to put theoretical, social justice to rest, kill a Word, mind's intelligence is God's foe.

Lay your head to rest, go to sleep like you'll never, ever wake up again, #WakeUp and be #Woke
Your fabulous memory of who you are & where you came from before your birth, is null & void
Knowing nothing about reality, about bacteria & virus infections, science creates premises' coke
Up the nose, down the lungs and into the blood to feed the brain and become a robotic android.

Powerdown, be all alone, after all there's Nothing other than you here & now, we're in the bliss
Time of present, past & what may or may not be in the future prognosis, first-class stars' homers
Who you are & what you are, what you'll be when you inhale your final exhale, a Void of fears
Tiny bits of Charm regret it, #ItsAllOver, Space & Time's gold wind, #Trouble's a Marxist cyst.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Janvier 28th, 2021 Anno Domini  *WTF DOES THIS MEAN?
{  #LetDadGetLaid to get me here and now, it had to be done!  Drafted this piece listenin' to #WildThing by @Tone-Loc on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/4XKIAdeMxzc }

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