
Monday, January 11, 2021

#KnowLiesAreTrue #BelieveTruthWasLies #WolvesLieWithSheeple @AlexJones #AlexJones #Q @Q #Witches #Warlocks & #SLADE

It's not your fault, you have no obligation, someone is responsible for the effects of the spells
Of magic words and thoughts that produce Nothing in the Void, all you know in glens and dells
Valleys at the bottom of mountain ranges, blown asteroid dirt in a temporary fix of holy UFO's
We are not privy to the secrets right here and now, I know you and you know me, yet It blows.

What It is, compared to what it's not is the only way to produce understanding of the complexity
Dream in a dream is at first, a concept and then once analyzed, is the One hope for faith & charity
Try a little tenderness and swallow as much gas as your sucking and blowing will allow, to be, not
Can't get any introspection when you're dead and gone, drugs to drag down the backstreets' scat.

Foil of tin upon your cranium, believing in the mythology you've accepted as the Truth, gotta go
Abandon your inner self, abandon your mother, father, sister & brother, get busy in the gold flow
Fever-pitch scandals come and go, in one ear to hear and not listened to then out of another one
Shutting the pie hole except for crying wolf to the powers that be, is recommended, just for fun.

OK, so 911, hello operator, this is NOT an emergency but if you don't mind me asking, question...
Representing your grandparents who have no reason to have had children, in or out of a knot
Marriage is not only not until you die, it is also something that happens infinitely, ad nauseum
Workin' to play from dawn to dusk, revolution of the Earth in wobbling ellipses, fe, fi, fo, fum.

Busted blowouts gone viral into a Singularity plunge into the twilight zone of the Void regulator
You have a much better faith in the unknown, oh the Oneness creator that abandoned this star
Left forever without knowing anybody was ever here and now, there or then, past or fake future
Your mama gets the dozens 'cause there was no pops to defend the nest, so lucky you got here!

Homers are philosophizing on the homeless who are men and women, humanity's leftover tramps
On the radio waves, shouting the commercials that clean the bum camp around the railroad yard
My friends and others who are not my friends, my countrymen and countrywomen in bum camps
Worry about your food supply, your shelter of your possessions and loved ones, mock the Bard!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  LUNDI, 1-11-21 @7:11 AMPST
{  Drafted while listenin' to @Armstrong&Getty @kste650AM & during commercial breaks, jammin' some @AllmanBrothers #MidnightRider & HITS @ https://youtu.be/TCRS4DRmf_w }


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