
Thursday, January 14, 2021

#VisitsFromInnerSpace #IntellectualLobotomy #CheechUndChong @Temptations

The fix was in before you knew that there was anything that could be a fix, anthill overkills
It pisses you off when you absorb the opportunity you've gleaned out of the thin, polluted air
Pushed too hard and knocked the whole shebang over and it rolled on down Sierra foothills
Gods are under the weather down in the bowels of the mentally ill, where hell's angels are.

On the way to the center of the barrel's bottom, there's a spigot that works by Will of a fool
Saying the word by itself completes the mission of energy conservation, thermodynamic tool
It's a sign of deep respect for the treasure chest of jewels and Earth ore, burnt rock & stone
A world of hurt buried in dirt, it wobbles while it spins the water from pole to pole, all alone.

Too dry is no option for Life's moist and slippery feeling ecstatic umbrage under an oak & elm
All shades of black move on to the invisible, a clear and present danger of a moron at the helm
Lovin' every moment of every single hour, midnight to noon, ad infinitum upon a crippled creek
She knew she could do something for me if I sprung a leak, all for one donut in my tea, a freak.

There were some railroad tracks down underneath the elkhorn and antelope overpasses to see
Found nobody to help but the boxcars leavin' town for another hole in the wall's land of the free
Brave women and men looked out for the big, bad proverbial wolves who predate you, eh mate
Smothered the hot fat, melted it, drizzled from the tip top to the bottom of the base, cake I ate.

If and only if you make the conditional the unconditional will you ever be able to become One
Many things from acid neutrons, protons and electrons to the Black Holes and Singularity fun
Falling down bodies, falling apart minds put you in the jaguar playin' games with axe omelets
Keepin' the beat goin' up and down the scale, to the bottom and back to the top of the frets.

Frequency and wavelength to die for, to live for and that's all you've got, nothing more old man
Women are everything without whom NONE of us would have ever arrived to be all too human
Pricking the holier than thou with the seminal dysfunction, an egg in Time and Space incarnate
Turning form from a floating, self-replicating mass of DNA, injected with RNA, all that Zeus ate.

Sandwich to eat the sacred BBQ meat, the dead animals, birds, pigs, cows but never the dogs
Dogs are sacred cells like humans, as are the cats, the feline and the canine but not the frogs
Or the alligators, the dragons, all African herds, all American herds, life formed mystic scenery
Fog horns blown in darkness of night, Faith netted a jellyroll hellish boy, a freeload, y'all see?

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Janvier 14th, 2021 Anno Domini
{  Invented while listenin' to @TheAllmanBrothersBand 13 minutes of #TiedToTheWhippinPost on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Rx_UaQx5eZQ }


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