
Thursday, February 04, 2021

#IAintTheWayYouFoundMe #NowOrLater

<3 <3 <3
If and only if you believe that you know anything at all, follow this logical game, a reasoning
Mankind includes your taxes and pension in the mix, all of y'all angels know a One, no-thing
From swamps & deltas to mountaintop ranges of light's remnants of a shining, very dark Star
Burned out from solar animation through infinite space forever, still, it is what all of y'all are.

Being bold is no panacea but it does provide a sense of bravery, fear no evil at muscle shoals
Pall bearers minimized the loss of the loved or admired ones, all spirits gone in black pie-holes
To be or not to be is Not the only question but it leads to the answer, guess is as good as mine
Governor of Life, you are finally, once you've decided to back off or to go at the red stop sign.

You actually have no choice or an free will, no reason to believe blind faith axioms NYC to LAX
To know nothing is to know about all you can know, everything else is conjecture, suspect facts
Dolls and cowboys, paupers and politicians, priests and holy people who believe in high power
Go to the dispensary to get blown away from a flower's garden of Eden into bliss' oblivion tier.

Away and again, ad infinitum, for real and in a somnambolistic stupor you can stuff it up in you'z
Deeper inside holes below to the pie hole and skull cracks up into heaven's empty nest of blues
Country living or squandered life and death in the naked city, junk the people wear pants upon
Not only me but every single one of the beings here and now all of us, here & now, dream ON!

Cartoons of the past, present and future from Flintstones to the Jetsons, I'm your honeybee doll
To inseminate & pollinate or mitotically divide the Oneness' eggs, God danmed suns to be fried
Bacteria and the viruses of the First Cause have become what you see reflected from Fall to Fall
May you disintegrate and concentrate on the Void for a moment in Time, angels died, Gods lied.

Not only will you be happy but also you'll strive to avoid pain, to be paupers bowing to a czar
When you have no control of any feature of this or that now or in the future, then you will see
That the only thing you'll ever get to know for sure, is that you're thinking or think that you are
Path taken down the middle, up the lazy river by the old mill stream, pretension's a given, me!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  February 4th, 2021 A.D. @ 2:22 AMPST
{  Jammed out in the AM while in Golden Silence & then some @BlakeShelton #Honeybee & hits @ https://youtu.be/zgAS8eWAIK8 or on my blog @ https://rjjstephan.blogspot.com/ }

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