
Wednesday, March 17, 2021

#BucksDontStopHere #KeepMovinPunks

I was in the cave in the darkness, as if inside my mother's empty womb, eatin' sugar, hot human
It's alright that I have diseases caused by the gestation of nine months from one cell, atom signs
All invasive of my mother's sacred oneness, where I come from, it's no lie my friend, mice & men
Put yourself in one of the rocket ships humanity launched up above and beyond Earth's cloud 9's.

First breath, a final choice to enter doors of perception, 7th senses of what the Substance I am Is
Kissing lips and the skin covered skull and bones, loved from all haters and extinct users of Forms
Here today and gone tomorrow like a moron or an idiot, with or without you alone, ah the worms
Computers matter to the powerless, take the computer away and shut down the tide of alien fizz.

Here's a shock, electric or just momentum bump of atomic, matter forms of animation, live light
When the light goes out of the thing itself, the thing is dead and gone, there's nowhere else to go
High or low, above or below this spinnin' conglomeration of star dust, beloved mama from a papa
Signs pointing to Truth but it hurts to know It, no more than a somnambolistic conundrum, Ga!

I will leave it all behind me, so will you but it matters like the stones blown out of a volcano flow
Melted, liquid rock and pebbles at a higher level of irresponsibility, we're all human, we are slow
No standards of the humanity and divinity were written on the slabs of slate, water cut the rock
Drunk and baked like the Jimmy Fallonesque comediennes, blown to bits to bytes, do not mock!

Socking it away or socking it to me means that words mean something but well, the beat goes on
To the ends of the game you and I play now and may or may not ever again, depends on the gods
Whomever and whatever the philosophy of life happens to be, in the pig stye of the barnyard fun
Cancelled this culture and all of the ones that came before It, 10 commands of Substance is done.

From pre-Socratic to post-Reagan eras, we inherited the trends of RNA's woke code for extinction
Above and within a shape of skeletons that infect the acid that flows from volcanoes and the jive
Simple to stay in an innocent infant mind. complex to remain wise and impervious to ignorant sin
Paid the price, awakened terminal slumber of waygone minds, unmoved mayhem, a deeper dive.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Wednesday, March 17th, 2021 Anno Domini #SaintPatrickDay2021 #TheBingeAnniversary50
{ Drafted while PUMPIN' PUMPERNICKLE & jammin' to the #Riverdance for @PapaFrancis in @Ireland link @ https://youtu.be/H7pF67oOgOY }
* The header for this piece is from some lit up caves in

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