
Sunday, March 28, 2021

#PapaWasARollingStone #TrustMe #WouldILieToMyFavoriteRug ? #WheresTheChief @EricChurch @Skynyrd

Destiny to rock and roll from pole to pole all around the equator and then back to the MEM#HUB
Split into regions of frequencies and wavelengths committed to People, a Service for a Profit tub
One in a million investment caused the effect you see in the trillions of tons of gold & silver, man
In piles of electronic 1's & 0's reinvested into the genome's DNA, replicating FDX, a goddess' fan.

Overnight or ASAP, dependent on nobody and nothing but the excellence of perfection, #Deliver
It's all that's necessary, sugar, to compliment the human condition, innocence in ma & pa's Void
Face it man!  You get down or stay straight, upright, stand up guy & gal, you & yours only perish
In the end, sooner or later, you'll get caught with your britches down, on or off of the can, go fish!

Inside of the rocks, nothing left over from the Big Bang or the Red Giant's excess radioactive flow
Homeopathic & telepathic intersecting at the threshold of a twilight zone lit Void, ready to blow
Riding the wind of starlight and nuclear fusion's incomprehensible glow in the darkness, I am One
Not two or the Many, just One but not lonely since I am all that there is left of me, I'm a 7th son.

Mother dropped 6 of the ones before me into a Roman Catholic joint, Limbo, out of Time's zone
They're still there in between heaven, hehl & planet Blue, bones burned, turned to dusted stone
Underground down to the core of rolling thunder, where Earth is exposed to be the dead hotrod
Leftover afterbirth of the mother of the life form invention, containerized, mortal, acid of God!

In the holy name society of secret words and mantras to pretend this Life on Earth isn't all of It
Word unwritten that is the sound of music to the deaf ears of One who hears Nothing, take a hit
Yet, there's this evolution of theoretical conjecture, mama was a monkey, pops King Kong norms
Need Godzilla to help me out, smiling amoeba & paramecium, bullfrogs, spun yarn of silk worms.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, March XXVIIIth, 2021 Anno Domini
{  Drafted while listenin' to @AmericanBandstand 1969 @Youngbloods @Archies @CreedenceClearwater #TheTemptations link @ https://youtu.be/BE-K3QqtBX4 }

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