Perfection of the union between the good, the bad and the ugly movement of idiots, Ga's charge
Of the humanity and the meteorology of animation of the dead matter, in the mind of a nobody
How much do you know? How much do you care about the metaphysics and the end zone's TD?
Fired up the grill to singe the meat and devour the matter to motivate a blood movin' heart, see?
Beaches of the dry sand evolving the H2O into an underground flow of semen and life's blood too
Among the mice and the rats, the neoplatonic homo sapiens arrive and take over the snake's fool
You, you move around in a shell you can't get out of, the verdict is in, you are innocent as charged
We've you video-taped and audio-recorded, you've deposited a 3rd foot in your gaping hole bed.
Recollect the meaning of life if you have no idea what you mean by, "Hey, what gives you fishes?"
Read it in a book or were told some words meaning nothing or misunderstood, sweep narratives
Cher loves the punks and the heroes of the monkeys, the apes of the 7 continents of dried ashes
What and where, how and why are all reasonable questions rebutted with ad hominem relatives?
Now you're disguising nonsense as non-trivial pursuit of @Cher, honorable hippy of #SonnySixties
Defined your terms and analyzed your ridiculous and unfounded claims, your conclusion is invalid
As your entire prolegamena of Origins of your mama's eggs, tricks of traders who sailed a 7th sea
MIxed up the poor women with unwanted pregnancies from which MOST of us have come to be.
Show is all backstage where the wizard moves on to the next best thing in the middle of the zero
Contents of the #FakeOutrage is now empty, even the mad scientists have lost the Will to Rambo
Ranting on the nature of the birds blowin' whistles in the wind, lookin' for birds to ruffle feathers
Here in my holy hole is the unsafe space you'll never know, light in darkness, waygone, mothers!
Bums and junkies are not outraged by this being alive without meaning, need a helping handout
#Haves who'll some day also be a #HaveNot, we cares about being #Woke, #TotesMaGoatz scout!
Gods & guards who claim to be the angels, invisible yet somehow in charge of the Life, it's all BS
Devil is the word, spelled backward... liveD & that's not an accident, opposites attract + or - This.
Sent and sealed with a kiss, I went away to fight in a war by sitting at a desk with personnel files
Merged the living with the dead, the ones who sought to please died on that mission, heroes die
Perseverance in the middle of the nest of snakes and their predator, me, it's all I have, no backup
If I could I would but I can't so I won't do what's necessary & sufficient, I argue, "This is a holdup!"
r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMPSt
{ #WWOJD? @OJSimp drafted while listenin' to #LogicReasonDeduction of the mighty @Armstrong_GettyRadioShow @AandGRadio rockin' with the "Legend" @BobMarley on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/QRHV7xZXxmg }
Perfection of the union between the good, the bad and the ugly movement of idiots, Ga's charge
Of the humanity and the meteorology of animation of the dead matter, in the mind of a nobody
How much do you know? How much do you care about the metaphysics and the end zone's TD?
Fired up the grill to singe the meat and devour the matter to motivate a blood movin' heart, see?
Beaches of the dry sand evolving the H2O into an underground flow of semen and life's blood too
Among the mice and the rats, the neoplatonic homo sapiens arrive and take over the snake's fool
You, you move around in a shell you can't get out of, the verdict is in, you are innocent as charged
We've you video-taped and audio-recorded, you've deposited a 3rd foot in your gaping hole bed.
Recollect the meaning of life if you have no idea what you mean by, "Hey, what gives you fishes?"
Read it in a book or were told some words meaning nothing or misunderstood, sweep narratives
Cher loves the punks and the heroes of the monkeys, the apes of the 7 continents of dried ashes
What and where, how and why are all reasonable questions rebutted with ad hominem relatives?
Now you're disguising nonsense as non-trivial pursuit of @Cher, honorable hippy of #SonnySixties
Defined your terms and analyzed your ridiculous and unfounded claims, your conclusion is invalid
As your entire prolegamena of Origins of your mama's eggs, tricks of traders who sailed a 7th sea
MIxed up the poor women with unwanted pregnancies from which MOST of us have come to be.
Show is all backstage where the wizard moves on to the next best thing in the middle of the zero
Contents of the #FakeOutrage is now empty, even the mad scientists have lost the Will to Rambo
Ranting on the nature of the birds blowin' whistles in the wind, lookin' for birds to ruffle feathers
Here in my holy hole is the unsafe space you'll never know, light in darkness, waygone, mothers!
Bums and junkies are not outraged by this being alive without meaning, need a helping handout
#Haves who'll some day also be a #HaveNot, we cares about being #Woke, #TotesMaGoatz scout!
Gods & guards who claim to be the angels, invisible yet somehow in charge of the Life, it's all BS
Devil is the word, spelled backward... liveD & that's not an accident, opposites attract + or - This.
Sent and sealed with a kiss, I went away to fight in a war by sitting at a desk with personnel files
Merged the living with the dead, the ones who sought to please died on that mission, heroes die
Perseverance in the middle of the nest of snakes and their predator, me, it's all I have, no backup
If I could I would but I can't so I won't do what's necessary & sufficient, I argue, "This is a holdup!"
r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 Anno Domini @ 6:66 AMPSt
{ #WWOJD? @OJSimp drafted while listenin' to #LogicReasonDeduction of the mighty @Armstrong_GettyRadioShow @AandGRadio rockin' with the "Legend" @BobMarley on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/QRHV7xZXxmg }

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