
Thursday, May 13, 2021

#PANDEMIC #WTF #Nevermind now, #GTFOOH


Sinners and believers are from the same One origin of the red and black supernova gold dirt
Complex as the lost and found locker at the airport, long lost friends cannot redo a re-hurt
You and I have done it once to each of the poor high achievers of our past time dream events
From middle school to the graduate classes that animated the dead sea of ladies and gents.

It's not for me to say, my enemies and friends would agree wholeheartedly but surf's up
Hittin' the beach and divin' into the surf, boogie board below with a shark repellent gallop
Records and recordings ready to upload and download to the software's infinite gig trip
Molecular beings in deep thought about the nature of beings and their whistles that slip.

From the eyes of the babes that dropped into this world, through the pain of the heroines
Men and brothers of the fathers and uncles did very little other than harbor infected bones
To be or not to be in or out of existence on the planet or in another dimension, far, far away
Between stars millions of miles between them and our sardonic smiling faces pretend, I say.

You rule the world the moment you die and become morbidly decrepit, it ain't my fault now
Do not shoot the windows messenger or the facebook doxing of the good, the bad & the ugly
Our grandparents are either dead or will die in the next several moments of Time in Space's Id
All there is cannot be undone nor recreated from the Void, it's the mark of the beast, The Kid!

There was a mean and lean middle path which required being and staying a solo act of contrition
To be sorry for the world's misfortunes and still happy about the holy nature of the doom & pain
A scar leftover for a reminder about the open wound, a step beyond a corpse's dilecti bitter ends
Nothing from nothing left nothing before and after the whole shebang of Bevis & Butthead pens.

Bygones above and below the chains around your wrists and ankles, poor, poor you and me too
We are all white-bleached bones with red blood only when it hits the oxygen outside a dam foo
Deep purple ultraviolet wavelengths to the infrared frequency of invisible essences of nonsense
Zeus to Jehovah blue hairs walking tall keeps you as high as a kite, on a download extinction sin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, May 13th, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 9:11 AMPST
{  Drafted while cultivating warmheartedness, in sincere compassion with love to my brothers and sisters & their own kin, #ThisMeansWar #AllDayMusic on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/coHUt4si8Oo & @BugsBunnyByte link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMZfCar-Ks8 }

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