
Monday, May 17, 2021

#RoofOverMyHead #TentUnderHeavenDoom @LynyrdSkynyrd @RobinTrower @MollyHatchet #PrescribedBurnCalifornia @SmokeyRobinson

Boogie to the woogie every day of the planetary revolution spin, in elliptical nonsense chit
Imaginary jobs of East, South, North and West and nothin' was ever gonna stop slo gin fizz
We boogied as long as our feet kept us upright, a bit difficult after Jack Daniels slammed it
I never thought it would come down to the haves and the have nots but boom there it is!

Brewed and aged as all the drink and food get pushed past our pie holes, go bury the hatchet
A being animated by the dead matter and living water of the Blue Marble, home sweet homes
Where I want to live forever but there's no way that's possible, mortality is the only trip we git
Birds can't fly any longer, fish can't swim & men can't be all too human, a regret to be bygones.

Junkies without all of the junk from junkyards' piles of junk in a chunk, planes, trains & my Tesla
Flyin' in the ether around the Earth's homespun dreams of an inhumane jizz dream of grim L.A.
No angels there, even the devils are all lived out backward and forward, this won't end very well
Earth'll quake, Earth will burst it's hydrogen & oxygen into deep space, in a drought, we all fell!

Infants come from Love and Hate, they live and die with blind faith, never knowing why I thrive
To the end of the infinite line where you lip a 'U' and move on to the last square of thirty-two
Game playing about being dependent on the monopoly of monkey's business, all too human
Easy gold from the mine, dripping like honey from the bee's comb, babies to corpses, insane!

Monolingual to protect the innocent in my hometown, everybody spent the boogie woogie too
No more rest for the wicked who left with my mother and father, a long, long time ago in view
Sad but beautiful therefore happy and ugly just because of geometric RNA/DNA recombination
Mask over your nose and lips so you don't look like a camel or a swine, just look all too human.

Wear your clothes to cover your naked ape bone frame, in 208 parts connected by rubber soul
Invisible Monday tomorrow wad just yesterday with the troubles of the so very far, far away
Monkey business going #BatVirus crazy, in a Wuhan lab or an underground basement in Napoli
Apes of the garden of Eden moving from obedience to revolution, slavery of mind's Imogee.

Ironed out the random Randos and pressed the grieving Eves into the fruit of the berry vines
A weird yet common denominator demonstrated the theorem and corollary of gold mines
Simulating the fragments of philosophy into an extension of the infinite time line's snake eyes
Rolled sevens and elevens util the cows came home, as they always will to the Key Lime pies.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, May 17th, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 2:22 PMPST
{  Drafted from The Void listenin' to the #PowerOfPi link @ https://youtu.be/0wkkscG08So }

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