
Wednesday, July 07, 2021

#DollsInTheHouseOf48Cards #SheWasDown #HeWasUp #AllInTheNameOfLiberty #ItsAJailbreakOnTheJakeBrake

Comparing '49', seven sevens in particular to the general propositional logic, original sinnin'
Empty sky's set of gigabytes full of A Void which has the drop on y'all, plethora of superflies
Angels and devils go up and down as nature evolved from zero to these blind, empty skies
You and I know of this illusion in the middle of breathing in and out, O2 gas of evaporation.

In this Time of this millennium, 21st year after the End of the Last Millennium 1999, one Prince
Revolutionary will of cosmic dust without a drop of milk or fake regal sustenance's purple rain
Yet, it is as it was and always will be, same old yesterday will be today and tomorrow for man
Born of a woman who was thrust out of an Edenish garden of welfare from a god's sixpence.

Men called a dream both reality & utter nonsense, depending on random directional whim
I am one of many messengers, irrational beings who can keep 'em separated, #WordUp afar
We are not one & the same due to repetition out loud in linguistic turpitude & @AdultSwim
Finding nothing but air in the lost and found, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen & acid gas of a star.

Define 'pretension' from #WebsterDepot, ostentation and pretension aside, I am as you were
A product of the multiplication of two and mitotic divide of acid from somewhere in heaven
Above and below the clouds or the wisps of Space's whiff around the electronic orbit of her
She being the Earth and the moon that are the only vision man has, blinded by the light fear.

Completed & as fired up as you can be, all of the One fixated on afterlife's place, heaven's die
Promises left over from the dead men and women, saints and saviors all, so we'd all be a seer
God fearing of the night, darkness' will, unknown X's all about a Promised Land 6 senses' high
Hallucinatory illusion you'd be alive forever, somewhere, someplace, but reality is a GD MFer!

Able and free willing to accept the random nature of your origin, your ma & pa in copulation
That's it now, you're neither here for more than a moment nor were you ever there, it's a sin
Original one inherited from skinny bone of a divinely created ape with a flaw, blamed you too
For just being alive and thinking that you exist now or in the past or the future, music is blue!

Reason for historical madness is only available after it's decrepit, a holy maggotbrain charade
Violations of uncommon commands, fine deadmen commands, droppin' dimes in the shade
They are not waiting for all of us that remain alive above the ground, no my friend, it's a ruse
Children fear the Truth, that it is all there is, here & now, up in smoke on a pyre, weed, booze!

I rolled sevens and elevens once in a million throws up against the brick wall, lost my cash too
Had to go and load up empty bottles for the return deposits, two cents or a nickel apiece, few
But enough for penny candy at the dime store where angels feared to go fill a pocket of stash
Chocolate melted in your pocket as if you were slick enough to rob the market without cash.

From the ethics of right and wrong, good and bad, the boy at the altar served the clerks' sins
Helped some saviors drop blood & die every day for centuries, all drunken altar boys' priests
Dropped some acid or some molly & then God's will was done, upon the mountain's sheathe
Eyes wide open and mortally wounded, this is It, get it now or never, breathe, O just breathe!

Dreamscape of the landscape is like the song that remains the same, on or off the main stage
Parades began and ended on a Sunday before we arrived, now there's only a holy vortex of ilk
Maudlin and morose beyond the pale of the good, bad & ugly, the beauty always wears silk
Contents is content to list an additive to water, milk, whiskey & beer, turn pretension's page.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, 7-7-2021 Anno Domini @ 10:10 AMPST
{ Concocted in a dubious psychosis involving the Word & the Flesh who dwelt within me & jammin' on some @AC/DC #POWERUP link @ https://youtu.be/HyubgRReJbc }

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