
Saturday, July 10, 2021

#TheRifleman #ReplayedAdInfinitum #QuickDrawsMcGraws #TeaseMePlease

Nothing but a pitfall ahead, drop the mike, behind all steps we take, monstrous she-vapes
Drama's mystery is difficult to discover, don't mean to tweet upon twists of a reverent buzz
Elderberry, blueberry & raspberry in a shoe box, sunk to the bottom of empty barrels of apes
Forget about it my friendly arch-enemies, in the end it'll be as it always was & will be, eh?

Gonads and mammary glands to keep the species from becoming extinct, love's extinct lust
For all of the trouble achieving happiness & avoiding despair, I have way too much to ask
Opened a hole in Jane's flower, smoked Saturn & Neptune with Uranus' cheese-butter bust
Smoked from the left over fire, One Sun's creation of Life on Earth is dear to a terrible task.

Groves of elk rutted & made the hunting season for the meat off their four legged hosts, red
If they had a ghost they had to give it up to the forces that be beyond my scope & copay grade
Yet, I smile and keep walking with one foot in front of the other, as my father taught me, walk
The alternative to movement, animation is the termination of DNA replication, a host, all dead.

Love, charity, compassion, if and only if the sweet leaf has made it past my lips' 3rd eye owl-wise
Gavel came down, the hammer was thrown up to the stratosphere with my children's hair score
Candid camera scoop of Iced Cream, the origin of the universe, we're the danger we feared a finis
Monsters of drunks, monkeys on a Midway, strung out, squirted Chicago in & out, my barn door!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, July Xth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 2:22 PMPST
{ Drafted H2O under the bridge while listenin' to @BarenakedLadies (Love them!) #WhatAGoodBoy & #HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/9T-7qk32WBE }

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