
Friday, August 06, 2021

#ColdONE #ShortOfATwelvePack #ItGetsColderBelowZERO #SteelBulletProof #KryptoniteTight #GotTheBestOfWho #TailLightMemoryPhotostatic

You may not be an idiot but there's a 99.9% chance your RNA's genetically recessive
So, respect is necessary and sufficient condition to be heard as a naked ape invective
Sugar diabetes is not my fault, my heroes & blind faith idols die, yet here, I survive
Through the bat flu and the CoVid mutations of a viral infection, like AIDS, it's alive!

But wait, the Dead die?  Or is it only the Living that die?  Nothing can survive extinction
Left or right of political, social or economic spectrum, all who praised God's mortal sin
God created matter and energy, God is responsible for the result, God's accountable halo
It's too bright to see and staring at it will completely blind your double vision in utero.

Covering up the Truth is not easy since you must recollect the lie precisely, ad nauseum
Ad nauseum, more than wisdom & reasonable pretzel logic of devolutionary gay gism
Smokin' body full of DNA, it's the smoke left over from the heated fire of a conjunction
Grime of naked apes' glutes, to live & die as demons & angels, a fuQFace's origin's sin.

Shouting out loud that there's nothing to see here, to move or not to leave the hearth
All of the things and what they do in a ball of confusion, leaves your with life on Earth
This is not a test, you have been warned for the last time regardless of one recollection
Blindfolded, headphones and facemask all covering up the skull of a royal dodger's sin.

You are fired because you won't hire a lawyer to defend your rights, stand up straight
In line, an arm's length away from the body in front of you except for the One dream
A dream that recurs ad infinitum, as it should when it's the karma of the Origin, fate
No reason or rhyme, no freedom to think or act like a free man or woman, gods' shate.

I raid nothing, everything is given to me on a silver platter before I knew it would end
In the final exit, there's no road, no instruction manual, a prayer leftover from Zeus' Id
Compared to this, the empty Space of the Void is Awesome, no jail, no prison, no men
It's just what things do when they're blown up by the black hole's singularity, AMEN...

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Friday, August 6th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 12:12 PMPST
{ Drafted in the #TwinkleOfMyEye while listenin' to 1993 @SteelyDan Concert in Mountain View, California & YOU won't be disappointed by either that or the WORD's #RoyalScam above with a link to it @ https://youtu.be/mGt8RebOy7Q }

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