
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

#KilledIt #KillingIt #WillKillIt #ItIsAllIAM #SunKissed #LOLs & #GuffawsAbound #PrettyMuch #WhiskeyForMyMen #BeerForMyHorses

FASTER FOR OL' SORRY CHARLIE, #JusDoIt 2-2-22 #CarryOnChunkyMonkey
Real deals come and go as if there is no tomorrow, meaning what you think it means
There is no tomorrow, it's equal to the past yesterdays, not here, there or anywhere
What I mean by what I say is what you understand, it's the way it is, my way, the One
Not you or your kin or cohorts, nobody but me, it's not my freedom to choose the fun.

Scrambled my mother & father in a microscopic recipe of Me, nobody don't know chit
Pretend like you've been protected by the armored knights of the invisible proletariat
Minced the mice and the men in a menudo, a collage of extinct cuckoo in a black book
Nucleus split to fuse your dream into an iron fist, punch yourself in the face you crook!

Who is cynical?  Your ma & pa?  Your brothers and sisters and friends?  Your enemies?
2/2/2022 in love with the two step, it's easy and you look like a genius, gods of Id Zoos
Way is narrow, no way is a bit more than you have, Nothing is the creator of the zeroes
Here's a witch's spell to incant, presto, chango, abracadabra, please & thanks my bros.

Far from here & now, the mean, bad bears & lions in the mountains, game hunter trips
Food is all we may be once we're bleeding and caught by the throat by the carbon tiger
Mad, mad, mad, mad world we have here, neither the fault of anyone or Earth's masks
I did not see that you could hide behind your mask, now I see, no pretty nose, thin lips.

You're way off base & out of your element, my friend, dear mam or sir, eh buddy boy
Not that I ever had any desire to enlighten the ignorant within me, used political ploy
As if I know that my conscious awareness is anything more than a brain function Math
Equal to, more or less, the Con is the final deduction/conclusion, based on, I'm wraith.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  2-2-2022

{ Drafted while whining deep inside of my invisible soul, it's really not there where it ought to be & listenin' to this #ShesGone @DarylHall & @RobThomas on youTube infinite link @ https://youtu.be/hApQJ_n447A?list=RDMM }

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