
Sunday, February 20, 2022

#LETS #ROLL #SHALLWE? #PopeyeLament #SweetAsHoneyDrippin' #NiceWidgetsBaby #LetsRoll #RumorSpreadinRoundDatTexasTown #HomeOfTheBrave

With or without you, without me and without anyone else, it still rolls on
Lost touches or independent ghosty heads floatin' above Alice's blue skirt
Tried and failed, tried ad infinitum and failed until the last time, finals son
I always ace the finals & never do my homework, don't hand it in, it's fun.

Teachers, monks & professors left their own cons, y'all will fade to black
Bad or good business that I've rolled with for 50 years, now, blow it back
Lie and tell the truth about the life you live, losin' your touch bit by bitty
Mamas & papas were trippin' back & forth in the fog just like silly putty.

Music if you're lucky while you lay there in burned bones, an earned urn
You did it your way, I did it mine & never the two will be beaten or burn
Spent Time, surfaced upon Earth or the star called, my Sun, son, oh son
You've got a moment to spare, you're a captive audience, 3D-print 6gun.

Bank without a bullet, transact the transfer to the mogul of the planet, Id
You'll know the power as your breath fades & your conscious music cuts
Lights out, sound silent, nothing smells & no taste at all, do y'all feel me?
No, probably not, it may be impossible since It's my dream & it ain't free.

Points to Space's down & out place, keep trippin' step by step in, X's O's
Made it where the life isn't too much to keep rollin' blunt, enforced Lows
Being human isn't all of That at all, human mortality's One superego Fate
Asleep, unconscious, alive but not kicking in the stall, it's a mare too late.

Touched fingers and toes to keep the beats of drums, divine heart pumps
Downhill from where you've found yourself, awake all atop of the games
Everyday, every spin of the wobbling planet's orbital trajectory, all magic
Fortuna to be trippin' in a hot, blown wind, infinity's crankin' m'love {sic}.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, 2-20-22 Anno Domini @ 0222 AMPST

*Header's the Love of My Life { Smoke 'em if ya got 'em! }

{ Grim fairy tale begun, began to lose the touch, got it back & there's no regretting it, trippin' this jam out with @SteveWinwood #RollWithItBaby #SweetAsHoney #MakeItDownAndOutUpAndIn link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/gO-2azFmt9Q }
#TimesAWastin' #2-20-2022

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