To be the obedient one and to have another to roll with, now that my friend's a Time bomb
Compare it to what you pick while you're grinnin' ear to ear, with or without my holy come
Two Heads of Class or at Ends of thin blue lines that you can never get behind, go for dumb
About the nature of the beasts both in & out of me & you, all of us, everyone baby to atom.
Keep this in mind, you're evolved but you're no angel, I ain't either, it's an opine about chit
Whether you know it or not, you cannot know anything, it's all a series of beliefs that I'm It
But no can do, I cannot be the entire solar system, galaxy or universe, re-runnin' it on empty
Stored everything I could before I couldn't do it all for myself, never wait for help in the city.
More or less in the rhythm and rhyme of the Space of Infinity, whatever the Hades is in Cielo
Beans thrown out the open windows & all you ever get are beanstalks grown way down low
Picnics with the pretty girls and the fine wine and pocololo of Poncho, I can't get rhythm raps
Slapped that horse on the ass and started to gallup for the climax, begin it's momentary lapse.
Keep movin' on, there's nothing to see, hear, smell, taste or feel here, you know Nothing right
Or maybe you don't but you will sooner than later, less than a century, I'm certain, it's insight
An infant nor adolescent cannot fathom the adulthood ahead, it's the Cisco Kid's facts of life
You're conceived by accident or under a rainbow, it's up to you to stay with that mortal wife.
Before you eat or drink the Earth's booty, remember to find the disposal out of the olfactory
Preferably to live up-wind or near 14 coasts of 7 continental shelves, away from the forestry
Fathers unknown to these orphans of Time, spun out of the fake yarn of Words in a Biblioteq
Babble to predicate the recollection of the disasterous revolutions of H2O & stardust's sick.
Then if & only if you are conscious of the thing itself at the end, final gasp of air, eyes all open
Premier ending, a finale worth waiting for, in the lobby before or after the show, suck sen-sen
Bad breath to good CO2, needed for the plants everywhere for oxidation, they grow to burn
Even without the flames' fire, the heat will melt the matter into cosmic soup, a plethora bum.
Nothing else to do, nowhere else to go, nothing to aspire to, nothing else to lose in a tornado
Yet, sitting inside is one wonderful being, forming an improbable being of matter, play dough
Infused with Will to Power, to be or not to be alive & well, to be alive & incompliant & to see
Life's commands of divine, inhumane regulations for Animal nature, good, bad & coyote ugly.
Find the smoke, you'll smell it a mile away downwind, maybe a mile and a half upwind too
Caring about living and surviving in a hostile environment is key, you've been dropped into
The Unknown plethora of a dream MEN cannot awaken from, you don't want to, that's death
You & I gotta gitterdone, we'll be alive, when all the rest of y'all won't, old women, go forth!
Food, eat it or you die, try not to kill living things but you gotta kill 'em to eat 'em, taste, eat
Blues won't help but they come and go depending on the distracted attention of the intent
Be good, be bad, be ugly, it's all up to you & I and nothing can force our hands to violate It
Code and rules to run the machine by, to stay out of trouble and out of the ROCK, God Fit!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, May XXIXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST #TapTap
{ Hang tight with @CHICAGOtheBAND LIVE IN 1995 JAPAN drafted to this #Festival link @ & #TheBestOf @Soul_Train 1971-1979 Vol #6 link @ }

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