
Friday, June 03, 2022

#AsIf #EyeWasNeverHereAtAll #MichaelJackson #THRILLER #MONSTER #GoldStateOfBallin' #WarriorsREPEAT


Mask up your face, your lips & nose are exposed to the minions for perusal of trustworthiness
Graduate to be a reproduction of your deceased ancestral kin, hundreds down a thin blue line
For the sake of your respect & honor for the scat you don't know, as the fantastic 'X' epic goes
On & on until the end of infinity which can never, ever be, we don't get out alive, amigo foes.

Computers programmed to begin at the end and finalize the the origin of the universal odors
Smelling your scent and my triggering mechanism in check to control my humane, holy desires
To mate & propagate the kind that appeals to the inner genome, it's just survival or extinction
Fire in a black hole we call Home, a place in Space where Time's spent, killin' it to run out of it!

When it's over means, your grown zygote has gone into corpus dilecti, it's naturally sewer funk
Nothing is worse than One, refused, rotten, trash heap of garbage in a dump, a recycled spunk
Not only am I the subject & object of the predicates in any flapping of a tongue to utter jibjab
But also, I am present here and now to see the Truth, my heart, my soul, my bones ton't scab.

On the way to the promised land where the broken promise is both seen, heard & tasted too
Like the sweet & sour pork upon the pigs' hooves, with the beans of Jack's underground stew
A menudo to die for but also to live for a hundred years until the spark & backbeat go caput
Mouth agape, man, woman, boy, girl, baby, preborn DNA zygotic fluid, all forms of stone blue.

What I am, don't ask but what you are, ask yourself, you'll find One and the same as did Adam
If there ever was an Eve & the mortal sins in a garden where you're programmed to be #Horny
But are taught by the adults in the dark room, in the twilight zone, don't attempt to procreate
You'll have babies you cannot raise to fruition, in the slums of the bad men who own the shyt.

The whole world sucks as the gravity dictates, spinning & wobbling about a preconceived orbit
In a far-out ellipse that is an illusion of all Ins & the Outs of the atomic matter, rocks that roll it
On the way to the far side of where nobody wants to go, you look forward to see Nothing el al
It's a One & it's the only one that comes before the #BigBang of the universe, a particular hell.

Therefore, it's fine and dandy to creat something from nothing, if & only if you're the 1st One
If you're the last One though, now that's the ticket to the concert of the Cosmic Chaos is fun
In and out of the mainstream and up and down the backroads from coast to the apex of Alps
All is One & one of us isn't more than a microscopic speck of dirty dust, it ain't for me, tulips!

Let's say that the fat is all that your metabolism needs to store your parental RNA/DNA code
With the mitotic subdivision from the One cell to the Many in a form to evolve the old News
It's either a golden lie without any disproofs using diobolical magic spells, mother Lode toad
To Billie Joe on the third of June back in '69, that's when I lost that virgin version of my load.

On or off of a holy altar of sacrifice, upstream, inverted for honor, givin' up roe to deep doom
Highlighted the mental trips that happen like they're goin' out of style, supplies for Navy Seals
Probably impossible, unconditional  reaction to atomic fusion of pandemic criticism of A-TOM
Rubbers broke, happy, good, bad & Uncle Tom's babies'ugly spawn, Big Bangin' idiotic wheels.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June 3rd, 2022 Anno Domini @ 1500 hours PST
{ Came out of #Nowhere, somewhere and someplace I've been but forgot about when I got #WOKE, #AllTooHuman & maxing the volume on @GHOST @ARCHANGEL represents @ https://youtu.be/pM8tXUz2q0c }




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