
Sunday, July 10, 2022

#FamilyTradition #WhyDoYouDrinkAndSmoke? #EndOfTime #OriginOfSpace #FireAway #CDB #MTB

Whether or not we like it, we're in it to win it and that means defeating the death sentence
You did nothing wrong or evil except to be born from a woman married in principle to Man
The kind you'd like to bring home to introduce to your parents, show 'em you had good taste
Living with or without a creator of universal expansion's contraction of the Origin's slow race.

Made them white, black, red, brown, yellow and most of them blue inside and out, for reals
Joints keeping the limbs in motion until they're ready to break, to shatter for the gods' seals
Wind powers the spreading the rumors and propaganda of the few & proud extinction genes
Acid from One solar system injected into the pure Milky Way veins, naked ape's hill of beans.

So, commands, commitments, inevitable dissolution of the soul's rubber balls, rolled like rock
Down the slope that began white as snow & ended in all lights going out for me as I got woke
Fish fought a good fight but I had to win and eat them, I was losing power & lookin' like meat
Ready for predators over my dead body, poison 'em all, lips to gizzard, I need some little feat!

Agressive to be passive when the predator apears confused, moment of the strike, stab deep
Sword or blade of a Tonto slice of steel used to slash and sever the thing itself from the form
Walks and runs, hungry as a starving orphan, whole food for thought, climbinin' high above
The highest mountain on any land on Earth, close to the outermost place in space on ground.

Leaving it is difficult only if you don't know where you're goin' when you evolve, extinct in It
This world probably goes on forever as it did in reverse before your conception, immaculate
Borrowed and loaned, paid back and welched like a moron or idiot who can't get a girl date
Flight above the topguns who can't aim & can't fire to open any door to a victory's easy chit.

Hidden from blind guys & too quiet for any challenged tastebuds, strangely pungent musky
Smells scents are most important for survival, some species other than "man" wants to eat
We smell like kimshee or hamburgers from Detroit, raw garden happy smoke, a Tier 1 seat
Kinder than the good samaritan yet a scourge for the scoundrels, just a minute, that's me!

Let it go far from where you'll spend the rest of your time from now until a hard, bitter end
You won't like it because it hurts you for a minute & then it's all over, every one knee bend
That you will be goin' to heaven if you're good, buddhist, muslim, jew, christian OR just me
Peanuts in so funny columns along with the Dick Tracy capers, always been a dreamer, see?

Comedy and tragedy is the nature of the beast's Time-Space, one day at a time's last spin
Gone crazy because there ain't no way to keep it up, 'bout which tattoo to etch in red skin
Groovin' and rockin' when nobody is looking & when they are staring, ignore the attention
Compromise nothing & fortify your resolve to take as many with you as I would, everyone.

Now you're ready, i was gonna tell you this 'fore brave women screwed all the man-boys
Literally repeating life over, essence of existence, flyin' high in silence to landing top toys
Stunning victory song sung before the TV eyes & their nosy attitudes toward propaganda
Knowledege & wisdom inherited by y'all, how long will it be before a dodge to Au Canada!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Sunday, 7-10-2022 Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Dreamt about tomorrow yesterday & today came anyway, it's over when it's over & drafted this while jammin' to @EricChurch #OverWhenItsOver on link @ https://youtu.be/mDc9DL9vVsM  & #JackDaniels link @ https://youtu.be/_9VKQ3uvMoM }

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