
Thursday, July 28, 2022

#IdiotsInParadise #CantGetNextToYou #Brooks&Dunne #NeonMoon #LIVE

For the last time there's plausible deniability for the Truth, a denial that it can be false is faith
Nobody believes that impossible is plausible or probable, only a moron would fill in the blanks
So, since I profess my idiocy in utero & a benign attention paid to the nuns & priests of gods
Still now, whiskey from the bottle is the best of the best nights, as long as you ain't hotrods.

Some get buried 'cause they die young in their teens & twenties, before the babies grew up
Raised by step fathers and mothers who bred with them on birth control, good for humanity
For the love of gold, silver, shells or other collectors' shapes & sizes of things themselves, chit
You know & I know, it's a matter of Time in Space, astronomical astronaughts are The #s#it!

To be or not to be isn't the only question but it is a good one, answer is, to be is better, man
If you have an alternate view, feel free to save more air for the gratefully dead, all too human
I feel free but it's only because I'm far, far away & out of the womb that imprisoned me, God
I remeber all nine months & I didn't want to mispronounce the verbs & objective subjects' Id.

Now & then you come across the roads that cross & you can't turn back, forward to a plow
Furrow in the ground and ready for the seed & water to grow the roots to a flowered blow
In the form of a flowered bud moving away from gravity to the unreachable heaven above
Already gone before the entry into the immortal club of skulls & bones, a nudge & a shove.

Hearts and souls before & during the War, come out with an incident that can't be forgotten
Wearing a wire on the trail you began in the teens & on to the ends of this trip on planet 1
The only one I'll ever know since I ain't superman or any other interplanetary being in sinsin
Musk smell & sweet taste of success in the middle of nowhere with nothing, it's one & done.

Monkeys with or without the pocks, in and out of your mother's and father's blue jean legs
It's just a matter of the DNA getting a distorted message from the RNA, a mutation's crags
In motion, it's never the same, nothing ever remains nothing, it becomes what you see yet
It's a zone of the area that evil and worse, bad men without mothers & fathers, don't fret.

You & I, the rest of us that came after the first of us all, every other earth sign's reproduction
Spinnin' rotatin' orbitin' from the Big Bang to the Tiny Peep, chicken came before the 12 egg
Or maybe it was an egg that came prior to a Thing's form-way, it's a mystery's random up-fin
On the surface of liquid, on a hardwood solid board, flyin' high up over the tidal wave's spin.

Didn't you come out of the closet after nobody found you inside of it, idiot trench raincoats
Dry and still asleep in the dream you had when you fell down the rabbit hole's moron totes
Hobble along until the final gasp of soon to leave life & death removes you from a presence
You're all gone, Cisco Kid was an amigo, nobody left just like the day prior to my self defense.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, July XXVIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Dog & God, word spells front & backward, the One, spread this pablum out of my psyche while scamming the #BestOfCaddyShack1980 link @ https://youtu.be/NaqGBF9nUb8 }


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