
Saturday, July 30, 2022

#NothingsChanged #ChangedDollarBills #WINNINGlosers #AllTruthOneBigLie #EyeUsedToCare #ThingsHAVEChangedAfterall #MrJinx & #MissLucy in #FlakeLake

As sweets roll, a fuel for the spark isn't enough for the dream to evoke pickin' & grinnin'
In the face of the live evil that lurks below the ground where dead bodies go sinnin'
If there's anything other than the core of hell below, I want to know, I am rockin' boy
Deliver the Word, the Truth I can handle, I am the crazy event that loved a tight toy.

Being and the Nothingness on it's opposite end of all else, more void than I for spies
In and out of the joints that keep the beat and harmony for a million fake truth lies
Teasin' me when you hold me less tight than the time you fell off the cliff, I got you
Fine as the day I dragged you out of the rip tide in the island of hunks burnin' blue.

Who ain't been to the top of the volcano down where the ocean can't get above it
Garden of Eden always the final spike in the coffin, containing the astral dust crypt
Trains, planes & hotrods from anywhere but Detroit or Chicago, twin city of a pyre
It ain't my fault that the whole bunch of lake lovers congregated for a Chicago fire.

But the pizza and the beefs, the redhots from Vienna and the Blues from the southside
Of the mice & men who run the shows for the herd, the brood, the folks of the Pride
Of lions and humans, tigers and primates all who rule the jungle, concrete cool as Ice
Nevermore to melt in the blast of burning gas, sunshine in the darkness, Love's advice.

Get ready, get on board for yourself and your soul that may or not be there, God's hired
In every case, rigor mortis will set in, as far as I've seen & if you're not food, you're fired
Inside of a padded coffin or ash & bone wishin' in the wind over a cliff, on the ocean edge
Know nothing, there's a lot of that, immerse in it, roll in the stone, spark gods' privelege.

I was roamin' around the 'hood lookin' for someone I could love, she found me at night
In disguise of course, you cannot expose the Truth immediately, it is an awesome sight
Fear & loathing for all things mothers & fathers tricked me into believing, all's all divina
Guided by the dogs of the war I joined, a vet of peaceful SKOR, over the ocean of China.

Broken into infinitely tiny pieces and the TNT didn't help keep the light within the head
Smoke and plant chemistry pull most of the dead & gone back from the crypt, it's ahead
Apes die just like the rest of the pack, what are you gonna do?  Uncles, Aunts, my cousins
Friends & those I'll never know, they came, they're all gonna go down under, life for sins?

Truck's bucket seats, nip & tuck ready for the fine hind end, on the way to the corn field
That kiss led to more than I had in store, suddenly I got caught & blamed for the healed
Virgin got immaculately conceived down by the creek around 2 AM, maybe it was three
Married now, children grown & gone, still recollect the day y'all got gone girl, it was me!

Here it is about fifty years later, more or less and still hairy things burn wings & bodily fur
Hangin' our clothes on the old dogwood down by the creek, used to care, Green River Sur
@Woke when you were gone girl, never left your number but I saw It, a heaven on Earth
Picket fences made of kryptonite bombs about to blow hell loose in a Windy City's heart.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Samedhi, July XXXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Crashed, burned, ressurection, #ThingsHaveChanged @Bob_Dylan link @ https://youtu.be/U4zlA6NoSVE?list=RDMM }

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