
Saturday, July 09, 2022

#StirredYourLastBatchOfGravey #ByeBye #RescueMeBaby #CallThePreacher #NoTimeToLose #YouMetSomeone #NowYouKnowHowItFeels

There's air inside the ball to inflate the form's matter G-pool
Thing's self moves 'round like animation was all you need to rule
Without moving, eclipsing forms' matter, deterioration perrenial
Into a mass of chaos, little boy's solar system's galaxy is Hell!

Mobs' eagles swarm Earth for fish, gophers & fake News' fakes
From claws & the beak, two wings to fly high & drop dead test
A strategy of using the wind to move your boat, your body rest
Rowing, sailing or blowin' smoke out an Evinrude's boat wakes.

Bottom line is above all other ones that have sunk lower than oil
At the core, inner planet's got nothing is inside of it, Void empty
False propositions lead to invalid conclusions, my goodness' sake
Miracle's effects without a magic spell for an Ends' finale, a cake.

Birth to death is what you get when you rub 2 sticks together
Fire in a holy, empty, senselss place in Space where I gotta go
To get the get-go & the down-low ground of species extinction
I am, as the Ends of Time, immersed in mortality's original sin.

To be the origin of the universe or the tiny atom with DNA sap
That's to be what's not to be, no question, I'll ask for a full stop
Holes dug & filled in 30 ticks without pick, shovel, pen or phone
One way to go with mocha java, well H2O & chewin' on a bone.

Let go of the good things I could find here & there on my trip
Keyboard #AIR 88, sharps, flats, minors & in a diminished RIP
Break it on down, way down to the bottom, only I can git to it
I got to it the moment I took a first gasp, it turned me on chit!

I got a pen and a phone, can't even get a cold Bud light at a bar
Hell with this place, gotta go & get gone tonight, goin' fishin' far
From the shore I can't see hide nor hair anymore, get back gone
Conjured up magic words that started with God's open cellphone.

Heaven's Earth is Legend, the good lord's rumor mill for athiests
Same for arrested development of seven continents' drifter trysts
On the side or faithful to the One & only as it's always been, Jack
Spat with the owner, dealer, the master & a Jack Daniels' crack.

I recognize memories when I recollect them, yet I forgot a lot
Most recalls of every day, every year are all gone, it's full stop
Nothing I can do about any of that now, photostatic ass whoop
Rear of the club at a table in the back below the cosmic soup.

On an 'A' train or the 'B' train, can't remember which, 1 of two
Up & down. picked strings, space frets bleedin' bloody murder
Arms unbroke, kicks spreadout or stuck together, fake retreats
Cryin' bloody murder about a creed error 'bout kickin' arse, fool!

Talk to myself & you only if the shoe fits, in this deep hole's tomb
Shots and beers' full steins thrown down the super highway ends
Dreams burnt into the cinders left over from your mother's womb
Aaron to Zen sons flowin' chit given to egg concepts, no offense.

Rescue's not on the way, nobody's thinkin' about you, not 1 Ma
Ones we came from are all dead & gone from the terra ferma
Ain't my idea, here & now analyzed but it's a known beast-freebie
Survived fitness walk & run, dropped dead, no compliments to be.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, July IXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 555 AMPST
#OohAhh #OohAhh, I say, #OohAhh #OohAhh
{ Drafted while listenin' to #RescueMe @Madonna on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/qKVsF2yiAUA }
#Car54 where the hehl are you?

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