
Sunday, August 07, 2022

#Two4Oneness #InvisibleDoubleBubble #CheeseburgerInParadise #OnlyTimeWillTell #APirateTurnsSeventyOne


We had some bones to pick with mother and father of us all, they're absentee in a cask
Understandable since they had parents who were also absentee back to infinity's task
It's up against the wall or in the casino crabs roll of the die, it's a seven or it's an eleven
This is a known delight when you win, you've got the touch for the heart of some Zen.

Pink losing the red with perfect timing before the white-out, a things gonna disappear
Back into the matrix of the black hole we're in or near the precipice of, either way fear
Is that you're gonna die and there's no breathing or perception of anything anymore
This place in Space is defunct as the spinning of Earth on its axis as it orbits a holy star.

As Earth spins faster, we'll age quicker from gnat to taradactyl, whatever's good, longhair
In the bitter end, it's vital to remain conscious to watch the fiasco that will vanish in thin air
What you'd thought was the Truth for all years past the age of 10 has fallen, shotguns' sons
Venial offenses and mortal wounds from lying about others, killing or stealing from bumbs.

My reward of lemons gave the respect that I needed to open my lemonade store STAND
Only sold two kinds of candy bars & lemonade, inventory foolproof entrepeneur dream
Silly to the tune of a million dollars I made in one year, only 3 employees, all android team
Lack of humanity is necessary for the skill of efficiency to make a high return profit end.

Following on down the middle of the path, angels' footprints obviously never left trails
Had to seek the feathers dropped from the wings but apparently they don't molt tails
On heads or tails, neon moon's border way or another, Time's gonna fly, Space is a rap
Every single cell & creature of matter's form reveals it's inner burst of verve at death.

Death thoughts make me ill, my brain cannot remain at one thinking that's I'm rocks
Out of my father's houses into my mother's rooms within the hearts of birds & bees
Think that jumpin' aboard for a stiff sting in the derriere is insignificant?  You're wrong
Every baby born & thriving into adulthood is the kind of genome required for survival.

Getting old enough to reproduce the same DNA recombined with a foreign sign, the dark
Blacker than the whiter shade of pale if you can imagine White for a minute, sudden dork
Can't move a muscle in any direction due to the loss of direction and focus upon the split
Betwen heaven and hell and Earth and the great beyond Unseen, weird, wicked Sanskrit.

Come to think of it, therefore I exist without a hitch in my giddyup, I ain't no has-been
Books are the stories judged by their coloring between the lines, connect the hot dots
A hundred, a matrix of dots form this thing itself, throwin' down shots of #151 & a #Fin
Shots can't be gulped too fast, seven or eleven, nekid 7/11 tattood craps, I lost my skin.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Dimanche, August 7th, 2022 Anno Domini @ 404 PMPST
{ Madness drafted while formulating light in the darkness & listenin' to #MADNESS of @Carl_Jung Philosophy To Rewire Yo Brain For Resilience on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/LhqN8WrgxGE }

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