
Sunday, December 11, 2022

#GigaByten #FOXsaysKINGSwin #AllJackedUp #BruceLee #SacKings1 #AllJackedUp


Behind the closed doors, they only lock from the inside, nobody has the key

It’s so fine Richie, come on man, you’re the untouchable sacrosanct golden E

A Rich – E sometimes the goin’ gets tough and you just hang in & hang out too

Setbacks come and go for the grease to slip the depository into the black hole.


I’m not here & now to learn the Truth nor to tell the Truth about this & that

Meantime, let me say this about all of that, schist’s not all it’s cracked up to be

I made out with the lips of chicks all of my life, they open and close at my will

Cherry or sweet lemonade from the spores of mankind, I eat what I want to kill.


You know nothing I don’t know, I know nothing & still sometimes I cry like hell

Sat down, laid down, I got down every day in the morning on to the night bell

Faked the care for the emptiness, the space between me and the outer limit box

Of and by the twilight zones of a #Schist, so metamorphic of a soft, hard rocks.


Yeah, straight jacketed when I was on the middle path of the only way to hit it

Daylight’s and nightfall’s reign began before I arrived, still goin’ on, I’m all gone

Live, die, cry, ad infinitum, irrational and unreasonable, divine gods of brains

Too much and too little too fast and too slow, at One is The Way, God’s pains.


Miracle that you comprehend the Word, it was made into DNA flesh to orbit

In circles, ellipticals and #Woke dreamers who stay in deep sleep’s snow teat

Cannot get weaned off of the thing itself, as if even the mother of god almighty

Heard and seen no more, barely a scent or a taste, gonna expire in uncertainty.


A principle that cannot be cancelled, eat humble pie and sit down to weep, cry

I can’t stop It or you all from being the one who reincarnates to payback karma

Inside of the whores and pimps on the boulevards and avenues, there’s no lie

Fetched from the lake or down by the river, water comes in and out of my #pi.


It’s always 3.14 and it never, ever changes in addition, subtraction or division

Yet I multiply any number by my infinite zero, that equals the zero of deeply

Originally, venial it is not, neither the Word made flesh nor the Stith of Harry

As the dream ends & the conscious mind awakens, dawn god-gold, cashin’ in.


Time, now or then in Space here or there, it’s almighty and cosmic, Live Dead

Played on the stage or backstage, it’s one and the same, freedom to be said

Words up and down the lanes of bowling and fast freeway ones, street blood

Flowed from prehistoric days of the saber tooth & goliath’s mammoth ‘hood.


Planet used to be totally underwater, the H2O is fried out into deep space now

Now to take all of the water away, besides extinction, Earth’s shape is potato

Once, twice or thrice I see what I see and you go for it too, before I can-do it

It’s already out of sight, all gone as it was never there in the first place, egad.


Punks and units of the orphanage who were the spawn of the rotten eggs’ ilk

Left the poor woman to work out the romance, karma will return one just God

My father is unknown, mom’s is already gone, leftovers cool, my 396cc hotrod

Cherry red preferred, it costs a penny more than the white, worth it, Mu’s silk.


Certainty principle that cherry bombs and m-80’s will blow your ears into ringin’

Chimes to last forever until you die, from the 22nd to the 72nd 50 years of singin’

Laughin’ with our friends, yours and mine, because we knew it was all too soon

No reason or rhyme to the feeling of the end of the female’s holy place room.


Fighting for the next day’s good feelings, avoiding the unpleasant pain of light

Trips and falls from the nativity to the crucifixion of the creator of ESP eyesight

Chunks of Time passed very quickly, chess match in dire straits of being in mate

Shock & awe & you know why, heart pumpin’ me home, accidental blind date.


I’m smiling inside, my face is blank as a big, bug-eyed alien from another mother

Foolish wisemen and smart idiots rulin’ they’re hearts and souls with fire father

Burned into smoke and signals for the distant warriors to see and immerse into

Pedigree of apes without half animal essence, pure alien extraterrestrial blow.


Wind, leftover motion of the ocean of fish and dead bones of the great ones

Pirates and groovin’ in the laws abiding upon the seas and continental reefs

All One and the same, orphan or well-bred, in limbo’s mortal mass of gas

Pretending that you know more than I, it means you’re pumpin’ me sparse.


Reason and this rhyme’s all that I’ve got in my prevue, under my controller

Papa, I’ve got this remote with an infinite battery source, a TESLA juice troller

Wizards and witches did their living evil best, I ran into the sticks, I’m preachin’

Visible or not, never in one place more than a speck of suspended animation.


r j j  Stephan, i

c.  Freezember XIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST

{Metamorphic rockin’ this #JackedUpJazz, Jacked out of this here & that there, #AllJackedUP while jammin’ to @GretchenWilson https://youtu.be/D0wAQNzK0Ow }



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