
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Lovin' Starts, You say you love me, You say you don't love me anymore, You never lie to me! #MyMaria #ChristieMcVie

As I came down mountains from the hills and valleys, fell down in the open sea oil slick
Funk and the waggin' waves pulled me down to Davey Jones Locker, likity splittin' fool
I am and was what I've always been, a human, just all too human like the ret of the pool
Of mens and mice DNA genes, moved from vermin to human in a quick tick of the Dick.

But you know, the injection is only the tool, the essence of the effulgence is what I am now
Like my father and grandfathers before him, we all got the 'thing' that every other guy blow
Yeah, the horns, the pipes, brass and woodwind all meld in the mind's eye of Eve, all insane
Set the soul free from paradise granted as freedom from woes & suffering's full body pain.

Are you all in or runnin' for the EXIT sign above the back door, there's a fire in a holy hole
Glory of the sun when you punch through the natal barrier, your mother's belly of baby jello
Ready to mold like clay to the gods, dead dirt embodied with the spirits of Los Angeles' gato
Buns straight up from ground zero to an 8 mile high club, orgasm up 32,000 feet, God ghetto.

Fit for a byte, adding up to the Ends you knew you'd get to, inevitably yours in a NY minute
Just sayin' words to get a rise out of the peanut gallery of humanity's guns, bullet mouth shut
Infinity's machine gun rounds from a gallery of gangsters, white blood cell humanity shogun
Bums ain't bums and junkies ain't junkies, they're all too human humanity just out for the fun.

Girls grown to the women who rule half of the things but not the OTHER half, can't be done
Wild as the nightmare out of your personal control, it does what it does inside of me, no pun
Took the Truth away into the jungle's density, like the humans I know, too dense to replicate
Dust & the split stones that remain from Big Bangs or White Dwarves in retrofit, Eve's fate.

A day after you die just like the day before you get conceived is One & the same, finale, End
Merged by force past the barrier to extend Time that extinction comes to claim a gumbo filet
Yeah, the spirit right there, that soul, thing itself, it's all in or it's all out, no other hand to play
Jackpot to the winner, was winning before I lost, then I forgot and repeated the fool's errand.

Failure to succeed, failure to launch the rocket ship's payload into the emptiness of the OUT
It is what it is, you know, no words for that out there, enjoy the voyage, sails up boom scout
Lookin' for blowin' wind to take me across the sea to the other side where it hurts in gaols
Cookin' over the open fire or with has heat gets the dead meat and plants hot as fired pistolz.

Shadow banning the thing @Twitter can allow into the solar system's evolution, a circle jerk
Standing around in an ecliptic, rolling around the 93 million mile way star of David or Debb
Already gone, way far gone down the road, nothing left up in the air, it all went downriver ebb
Where wise men fear to go without being armed to the teeth, blade-bullet, peace of mind quirk.

Fire & water in the belly of the beast, an infinite burst of neutrino-blown out atoms of Helium
Drunk & higher than a box kite, just to calm down the beast who despises being One of Them
All too human humanity, to be or not to be, valid question with one caveat, it's all 'bout the Best
There's no alternative, it's not about anyone else, just you & your life, runnin' until Peace's rest.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Freezember XXVIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST


{ Gods ain't watchin us, maybe aliens of other stars, maybe not, we may be all alone
in Space and Time, the place to be here, now, music, song, gave the DOG a skinny bone while jammin' to what hurts my eyes, The Light ...  remember #MyMaria, jammin' with @BWStephenson link @ https://youtu.be/mAQlg2qSR2w }

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