
Sunday, January 15, 2023

#SunnySonny Thanks for the memories POP!


The fate of the Earth, the population of people, places and things, all of the nouns
Everything that begins with a Big Bang or an electronic proton producing neutron
Calls to arms and legs regardless of the software used for thought processing an Id
An ego of the imagination that cannot go in or out, neither back nor forth, po’ kid!

Luck of the draw after the deck of cards get shuffled into a random deal of hands
To win or lose, to live or to die is all there is on the mounds of dirty deeds, so cheap
Everyone gets one at birth, a cry of the wild baby that can’t stand the light of a day
Brighter than the darkness of the womb of woman, a human all too human I do say.

I need a Mulligan now, actually my great, great, great grand dad was One, a Magee
I had a line on the blood but it’s diluted with the Minion’s invasion, skull & bone key
Possible that you will dream forever or that you’ve never dreamed at all, sadly true
Not my idea, just a deduction from the inductions, assumptions blind, faithful blue.

Apes, repeating the seen and heard as if it’s more than pretenders pretending Sin
As if there’s a higher power or being than this lump of rock & destitute gold dust
Come on man! Mothers are the women, they gave us this, it ain’t my fault at all
Ma, talkin’ about mine, yours, well adapted & upstanding or sad miscreants’ Fall.

Above and below this LIVE sensation, perception of the happy malice of created stars
Of the Big Bang, unseen, unheard yet evidence remains in stealth, all forever A Bubba
Godsons of the jets’ sons, invisible killers of babies’ fathers & mothers’ eggs flying cars
To arrive with or without you is impossible, what I am is what you are, wait… What the…

Genius or idiotic moron both out of the same gene pool of Deoxyribonucleic acid rain
Came down out of the sky, a leak in the Space & Time vortex, down here to be insane
Like no other, there are no others, I think, therefore nobody else in the system can be
As I live and die, so the whole universe above and below me goes, I care, I’m there, see.

All hands on the decks of cruise ships, battleships, or other floating war & peace funk
There’s War afoot, smelling gunpowder in the wind without a phart fired at the dunes
Ending the beginning in a puff of smoke, not even a word left scratched on stone junk
Mercy to the hybrids, men screwed by divine defeat of alien UFOs in UAPs darkrooms.

Luther was Martin & a king in his own mind, speakin’ in tongues, foreign and domestic
To loathe the fear inside of the psyche, inherited from the guilty and pernicious, all sick
Of bacterial infection, viral multiplication and division of all that blind eyes make scenes
Now and will be forever, a fraction of the whole shebang, atomic gas blown smithereens.

Tell mama, tell Bob, nobody cares about the issue you’ve discovered is inhumane or gold
Unless you’re a princess or prince, your place in the order of things is near the Unseen, old
Over the hill in a sense, meaning going uphill is such a great human goal, dreamin’ across
Trembling inside the skin down to the holy bones, unmoved mover in there, up on a cross.

For once or for the last time, either way, it’s all gonna get back to the fundamental thing
Where all of your kin went down when they were done doin’ the thing, all over again too
Like a reincarnation of a po’ boy sandwich you ate every day for 80 years, red-purple blue
Crunched down to a paste I swallowed & shat in the silo of wasted days’ sweet Nothings.

Born free and independent and died indentured and grounded in star dirt, gold dust
Time passed too quickly to recollect the entire sequence from first cry to last right fuss
Around the head to the feet they didn’t snip and cut for the circulation’s soul shining
Out into the dark Outerspace darkness behind our penumbra, bald head’s all singing.

Apes, crying and dying as it’s always been, bury the stench, memories left mutated in
A hodgepodge of abnormal menudo unmixed by mortal bones, founded darkness sin
Obey or disregard the rules devised to blow away your conscious perception of visions
Myopia cut out of the picture, seen everything all eyes have seen, I do run the dozens.

Mercy of the good and the bad on the ugly, it’s all they have for proof of certainty’s ire
Madness that we’re all alone, always were, always will be, illusion to jump the gunfire
Rounds zippin’ by my ears by my hair, heard a zip, I saw the flash, I’m dead & gone son
Didn’t see it comin’ around a corner, it came & went through my soul, Hit me! It’s done!

rjjstephan, I
c. Dimanche, Janvier XVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST


{ Mutilated the language above this AM while listenin’ to #LoanMeADime @BozScaggs on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/-RTh5t8yEqI }

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