
Saturday, January 21, 2023

#OneHeartbeatAtATime #YOU were missing, INDEED! Twenty-First . . . the day I turned 21, I was living on a nuclear missile base defending America's gene pool of heretics & miscreants from six other continents & a #ThirdWorld that doubles extinction probability


I got around the blocks back in the day, with or without you or The Fever, so
To be with you and me in the Space of Time, same place, one sane moment
Leftover hot or frozen-stiff cold means nothing to Nothing, odd as an android
All or none of the atoms, electrons, ionic blood of the empty, divine vast Void.

Drivin’ in my car, turned on the radio, pulled her so close, her mama said no
For once, we kissed and the fire lit up the whole seat, I fell down & got rolled
I can still feel the hold on me, grip can’t ever let go, stuck in your bones & soul
Five and ten will get you twenty, sawbuck, fin, single hundred pennies of gold.

Beat and fondled as if that’s what the flesh & bones need but that’s fallacious
An argument that follows the false premises to the incomprehensible star dust
Came alive for no reason other than spontaneous combustion, pressure cooked
Merged the many into the One, for the first and final time, a king gets rooked.

Little queens of black & white, generations of germs lost in the fairy dust dream
Mothers of all the bombs blown to smithereens or imploded into the finale cream
Unshaved hair overgrown into the coats of arms and legs that move to unmoved
All of y’all hot rods, dead & gone down under or smokin’ above, at One, grooved.

Inside of the pen, pencil or keystroking electric or manual, it’s all comin’ out
Of me & the rest of the all too humane bucket of spittle from the gods’ child
You made the first move because I let it be that way, my move was silence
As if I didn’t care, yet it was opposite, fell in love at first sight of your glance.

By the by, however, you forgot about my present of my presence, to be fair
I forgot about your presence, I appeared to become a jerk-offspring’s long hair
Parted grey hairs down the middle, transistor radio to ears on a mission to die
To be honest, everything that’s true someday becomes the false-truth, hot lie.

Shaved clean, slicked the skin for the soothing feeling of mending deep cuts
From the razor’s edge one becomes two or more pieces of the whole shebang
Everybody is all in, nobody gets out alive, not even One savior of the sin song
Surfin’ curls, ocean’s comin’ to be beached, gas H2O played well, right’s wrong!

Caught you in a closet before you knew I cared; I didn’t know you cared for me
As if I knew you forever, saw my soul merge into the drift of spirit allowed, to be
Or not to be, that was the questionable conundrum for my young, astute anima
Model imbibed; a doughboy begotten of Popeye & Sicilian princess of Chitown.

Fried or burnt upon a spit barbie, the dead meat seasoned tastes better salted
Garnished in the selected dry & ground Earth-growth, it sustains the inner bread
Before the sweet & sour bitter ends of this dream within a dream, woke awaken
Justify the con games with reasons for your selfish selflessness thru thick & thin.


r j j  stephan, I  

c.  Janvier XXIst, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 222 PMPST

{Concocted while jammin’ to @Bruce_Springsteen https://youtu.be/UBtEOS_8BEM }

F I N I S#



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