
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

#Birch #Boredom #Oak #Eternal #RightHereItIsRightNow

You got wisdom instead in and out of beds of holy women seeking to get seminal 12 blue months
Earth’s wobble as the 3rd bit of rock from the star we call Sun and The One, without it, we’re all dead
Like a stone, a rock or a flying bag of carbon, oxygen & nitrogen Congo con job of the best & brightest
Hummin’ down freeways and turnpikes with those jettison machines, speed kills the quickest & best.

Not here to be here and then leave without a peep, without one word up from the grave digger’s spade
Monkeys, aping the the things unseen by men, pretending a UFO ain’t a known One, checking on a Fade
Atop of the blackhead or whitehead, souls set free like ships sailin’ on the deep, blue sea without rudder
No love shadows mine, it’s all chit that exists, without me, without you, without us, it’s gone, way gone.

Got bent like my mother and father, not from the east or west coasts of the USA, Dank z undercover spy
Like the winds and waters, I blew it and I wet it to get some action, like Northern lights of southern high
Bums and junkies will always be the way of the morons and idiots who don’t know the Truth about gods
They came because they could, ethically sound, morally upright, philosopher getting’ jiggy with a stone.

Bored of being on the Board and l in a retrograde slide from circling in two points of view, one Singularity
For you and I, it’s the final call the bartender shouts, #LastCall of the last detail, bury or burn, lost at sea
Demons swimmin’ around in a dream state of amnesia, unknown doom headed downtown & upriver too
Nothing is exempt & nothing is what it is, hence it is exempt from Life, Death and infinity’s dreaded crew.

Preconceived a notion & then it materialized for the minions among us, the herd moved to happy place
It ain’t my fault, I’m not accepting the credit nor the blame for the way it is, that’s just the way it all goes
When the lights of your conscious mind go out, you’ll be in the dark just like the first dark room’s womb
Dust storm and then a vacuum, between the sheets and orgasm let the wild horses loose in this tomb.
Where the grand parents dropped off the kids on the corner by the clowns and jokers of God
Leftover funny humans, no joke, nobody’s sorry that it happened, it just did what all gods do
Create everything and then leave the scene as if you expected to always be the ‘X’ unknown
Now, present, in the past and in the future at one and the same moment, the secret’s blown.

Punks moving the pages and shooting the guns, killing the words and the babies of humanity’s
Daze is complete now, sleeping forever and no wake up calls or strawberry alarm clock ditties
Perfectly round, triangular angles in 45 degrees of Isosceles, isotopes in the fission of infusion
Soul free, animated bones are picked clean from the BBQ, rest of my life is just a cool breeze.

Rested at rest, dissolved into the matrix of Earth, Fire & the invisible Wind effect of The Spin
It stops and it starts at the one with the Will To Power, that’s me if you didn’t wanna party on
Funk and stench of the dying life, wakes up the dead to retrieve the leftovers, nail the coffin
Moms dead and gone, dads not certain of conceived DNA code and here I am, a mortal sin.

Come on man, don’t give me the stink-eye or the minions’ middle finger sign of the high IQ’s
Higher than underground and deeper than the stratospheric ions of quarks and a gods eye blues
To die for or to live forever, choices of a fool and her junky tools of retrospection gone askew
Love the hate, metabolize it and it fuels the justice to the Word, ink of type is forever sky blue.

While you wait, you get clean and then you run with the other bulls, lookin’ for the release
Of the spunk and funk accumulated out of the finite infinity allowed to sit right next to me
Wild east, west, north and south, always moving toward the sunset, toward the sunrise hot
Burn it all up, a fireman's substance, philosophy & nature of things, zero, dot dot dot . . .

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, 2-28-2023 Anno Domini @ 0559 AMPST

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