
Saturday, March 04, 2023

#FreedomFreeForLiberty #SensitiveKindMeltsInONEhand #ShineOnCrazyDiamond @KeanuReeves @JohnWick #TopGun @TomCruise

Nothing like a kick in the derriere to move One unmoved mover around the deck
For the absolute worst possible outcome of a merging of the Yin & Yang schtick
Pumps have all bytes flexing the haze of purples and blues, ample left to hit sins
There’s a brick wall to run into before you ingest the living poison of champions.

Worse than you think but wait a minute, just a GD second now ‘fore I breakdown
All arguments with deductions & inductions from assumed truth of premise down
Morons & slow idiots runnin’ the show for the morons and idiots, yup, you ain’t One
Only Ones’ the One, particulars from generals are not full house aces over, godson.

I’m poppin’ my digits, call ‘em phalanges or just my ol’ bones and I am fine as wine
A major Vino my grampa’s downloaded, just the #VinoFine head on the ale’s a sign
In bed with the most sweet grapes I could pick out the orchard, a kind garden’s den
Made the most of all tiny bytes captured and corralled to keep them safe from a gun.

Been ridin’ off into the sunset nearly every sundown since I was maybe 1 year older
Than the first year I got here on Earth, just to pray and play like there’s no tomorrow
Funk and the refused indigestion flow from the organic matter, as if there’s a mother
Or a father to return all favors of droppin’ you off ‘bout middle of Noman’s neverland.

This was no movie with the bats out of hell comin’ to the rescue of he lost and found
Hades above the heavenly bodies trimmin’ off my chaffe and extra acid taste of a lab
Virus or bacteria the unauthorized end of the tricky treats of the lead ball & holy fold
Home with husbands’ wives, the kids, boys & girls stole atomic bytes of fool’s gold.

Souls weighing less than 8 grams or was it 16, anyways, I stepped on it, it’s Caputo
Sought & got found in an empty hole of the holy of holies, as sacrosanct as old Pluto
Fear and fearless singin’ struggles, jazz and rollin’ hot rock, dancin’ a 2-step polka
Begotten before & after imaginary Big Bangs, lava of burned out, heatstrokin’ papa.

Playin’ with zeroes and anything other than ones, nothing comes of it at all, et al
Law on or off of the bench means someone has the power to incarcerate your soul
Even if you’re innocent of the regulated break in the dam, the flood’s all your fault
Obligation of killers to first become gold themselves, then kill, eat & eliminate salt.

Know nothing, be everything and that’s all I got for you doll and kiddo, a God’s dam
Over the falls down to the deeper mind you thought you had & lost, it was a sham
Babies delivered by the mothers of the inventors of the Truth, philosophy of blue
Fictional characters from Captain America to Quai Chang Caine, simply Kung Fu.

Pink inside & out, hot pink I think but it could just be The @Pink as she is the chit
Brought the dough home and you flipped out because it was simply not enough s#it
Enlarged prostate you poor human males but what’s the cause, not dying younger
Living to a ripe old age is like an overripe fruit on the vine, it’s just The End of Ever.

Nothing personal and nothing at all you or anyone else on Earth can do about a bet
Odds are in, we’re precisely an Ape, an anthropomorphism of Hordes’ UFO Sanskrit
Besides the facts of life that this is the cream of the dream, alcohol inhaled it wet
Smoked the salmon and the weeds together to cure the cannabis’ mescalito bandit.

Goats have kids trotted out of them due to human neglect for their contraception
Very good at inhibiting the extinction of species of every form, virus to ants & birds
Changing into your costume and putting on your mask before you enter the fray’s sin
Being original, venial & oh so mortal, It All descended last of the first Papa’s words.

Carry the ball or throw, roll or just hit the ball with some fine pine woodcrafter club
Slugging your upper arm as if that’s something you expect when you abuse the pub
Where we keep our spirits & ales for idiots and morons to refuel their taste to cuss
That limit is always exceeded regardless of the will of the innocent & naïve dust.

Love and Hate in general have nothing to do with the species inherent defect SOS
Ready to annihilate the whole species with the nuclear weapons, not the psychos
If only it were the psychotic neurotics in charge of the system…oh wait, too late
Born on day 1, free form yelling, crying about the bright light, need a womb date.

r j j stephan, i
c. Samadhi, Marche IVth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST

{ Drafted listenin’ to #MyMaria by @BWStevenson on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/ewyu4dIVj-8 }

I hopped into the back seat of my 1960 Chevy station wagon, got some where sister sat
There was no other choice, we had no place to go, didn't think of the motel of the bats
Night flyers & crawlers of the alleys and mean streets, all of them began as one tiny egg...& then...

What's this?  A UFO frisbee bowling ball ?  {FBB?}

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