
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

#SkiBill #SkyBlues #BovineScat #DOOM #KNIGHTsword #BreakItDownNow

Chilled on the grills of 1957 Mercuries and 1968 Roadrunners confused off of the line
Screeching slick rubber to asphalt and tar just for the traction to grab the check’s fold
Flag to end it right there before the stopwatch reached 10, low 9’s made the day fine
Hungry coyotes would never be any concern at all for the one & only king of the road.

Amazing to be and continue until an infinity far, far away from the bones & holy soul
Given the legends and myths to be or not to be is not the only question, a black hole
Deeper than you’ve gone in your wildest dream, a day mare at the midnight of gods
Wind, Earth, Fire & the Stone Rocks fill the plethora of bytes in the matrix’ hotrods.

Pillars too high to get to the top & see what’s above the noise, leftover chant chance
Starshine down on the shadows to untie the strings’ knots in wisdom and the dance
Satire and comedy of the many and the few, a sweet haul out of the absent menudo
Cats, dogs, birds, snakes, horses, mules, insects & plants we call dirty Earth, it’s a go.

Got on the pants and slacks that send the chills up and down my spinal tapped ends
Fear of Nothing but Fear itself, that’s the ticket, yah mon, can I get a witness to attest
To the thing itself and the forms it inhabits, bones, blood and the whole shebang’s ID
All are one & the same in singularity or multiplicity, riders’ wild storm is all that I am.

Cooked raw, meat is dead animals, the salad is dead plants, you’ll live and then die
For no reason at all but just because somebody thought your mama was so pretty
Don’t blame me for the accurate representation of the unfixed starlight, dead sea
Salted, seeds, chafe, trash, recycled heaven above the Hades is all you’ve got, see?

Nothing else makes sense, that’s like a fairy tale of Peter Pan & Cinderella for just two
Wicked witches and fairy godmothers everywhere you look, in or out of deeper blues
Magic in strict spells of the strong who survive the millennia without playin’ the fool
Mighty spades and diamonds in the rough, decked-out, it’s a game, well played, mule.

I turned that swamp music into the southlands’ everglades’ ‘gators & refugees are free
As below, so it is & always will be above, in a Governor’s invisible scheme being so holy
Nothing can touch or see it anywhere in sight, no tangible evidence for its existence tug
Among the A’s that I achieved in my 3 point 4 GPA, only One gave me leverage of a bug.

Degree of a Bachelor, neither Master nor Doctor, a mere predecessor, esteemed professor
Freaks mere anomaly of the genome, DNA misaddressed, spliced at random for the lucky
Boys and girls turned men and women who procreated or at least guarded the Word of Her
Who she was, virgin or loose as a goose to charge for the mating & dating, where it’s dirty.

Fine lines and underlines of ink spotted chess boards without 8 pawns or even a dark queen
In or out of Fear’s game with or without the rules’ dead & gone, it’s all like that to be matter
Hauling 45,000 pounds of legal cannabis from coast to coast, deadheading home in between
Taxes paid government, which in the USA is every one of us, tax payors or not, him & her.

Crying babies with a microphone, tattling tales about the gatekeepers and the caged anima
Talkin’ not only the zoo’s animals and pants but also every neighborhood, coast to coaster
Factors of the calculus determine the correct answer that cannot be wrong raise a toaster
Made the holy hurl, the urban & rural cowboys & cowgirls held the brown liquor, oh mama.

I had an outstanding plan I recollected from the biblioteque of Words, hurry up and wait
If and only if y’all follow the meaning of the ambiguity, you’ll then know that worm’s bait
Popped & snapped my fingers’ skin and bones, index finger and thumbs ½ crackin’ me up
Lowercase's only the gods use for communication between old dogs and the young pups.

Promoted privates, seamen, ensigns, 2nd Louies get to go where generals talk & follow the cash
War & an epic armed & dangerous battle of the naked apes all armored and smokin’ the hash
Now hear this, now hear this, ain’t nobody’s captain speaking, it’s the #AI access anonymous
You need neither name nor J.D. Salinger uncertainty, sleepy principle like a Fran & Zooey fuss.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, 2-22-2022 @111 PMPST
{ Critical Mass defined @ Cherry Poppin’ Candymen @ https://youtu.be/-ScjucUV8v0?list=RDMM }


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