Spinning the dream of the con game without rules or players of turns
It’s always been my way or the highway, it’s my mother’s planted ferns
Grew up with kids all around me, we had it made in the night’s shade
Went around in circles because the fact is, we were disappearing fade.
Chose the many & the few depending on the wind direction, up, down
In & out of the fray, passing in & out of consciousness, passed way out
Deleted every byte from the lexicon, scratch began the dot, unknown
Become absolute zero galactic disorganization, naturally, a boy scout.
A new math subdivision of all too human philosophers, #Beat cheats
Fraction of zero, Nothing but the ends, friends & godlike human feats
In a rectory drinkin’ chrism’ blood in wine bottles, dago red or merlot
Dark & black ultraviolet or light & white infrared saga of fake-fear lot.
Preface of the fourth or fifth kind, this offering of dead & gone idiocy
Of Pi if you’re Truth’s value 3.14141414 ad infinitum, finite divinity
Think about this just one moment & you’ll doubt the blind faith leap
From ignorance & innocence to learned behavior of evil, good sheep.
A star is born long before you & I entered the womb, it’s a Sun’s burns
Either random accident or result of divine intervention in godson turns
Tragic comedy or hilarity of one’s tragic #FaitComplet, full circle broke
Aloof, adrift in a vacuum of the Void’s empty atomic matrix, so #Woke.
Now and then, here and now, cause of effects to be or not to be eaten
By the hungry for your heart, lungs, limbs & soul, they hate your guts
Where the foul and masticated move into the sewer of wasted grunts
All of us know the hunger and the satiation, even those who eat men.
Working for a living of peanuts, a warm, cool home in the middle of peace
Love all around the myth of forever being around in the same groovy place
Knowing that the mastermind is random chaos & infinity’s numb red cross
On the crusade, a crusader either reaches the holy grail or meets the boss.
It ain’t apple sauce from the garden of Eden, it ain’t the fallen angel’s fault
All about you, you, you and nobody else, you’re asleep in the night’s mare
Dreaming you’ll awaken from slumber to pound desert sand & beat the clock
Never knowing or having an inkling that your history is devoid of logic & rock.
Musical chairs always ends in One seat left for Two, at One jumps on to own
Left to stand at attention to the winner of the throne, the pretender cyclone
Test tube baby squirted DNA upon invisible specks of cosmic dust, yo’ mama
Of father to the beings who play in the mud and beer with the bloody papa.
Believe starters who model The Truth, carry big gun protection, blackbelts know
Know it or you don’t but be privy to It, why the world turns as a memorial blow
It’s either a kick in the behind or it passes on by, skippin’ a rope, all outta Schlitz
Peeps of chicks & squeaks of mice pull mystery together, all ‘bout Banana Splits.
Laughing at the drama and crying about the comedy, convolutes the chrome Id
Invulnerable bag of animated acid, as big as life and a wannabe dead man’s kid
All for One and One for all of you mousekateers & musketeers from owl bowels
Invented my intention, mocked predecessors & professors consonants & vowels.
Pope to pauper’s street smarts keep the heroes and villains alive in a petri dish
Born from germs & microbodies, cultural appropriation of a Void’s worship, fish
Swim, swam & swum all over the dam with high hopes of jumping over the Falls
From heaven down to the utter echelon of the pit, only you & I know, got balls?
If you become aware that you cannot know anything, knowledge is impossible
Although wisdom is the highest form of awareness for everyone, it’s hidden too
Many, few, some and none, interjections of prepositions without a conjunction
Got nouns and predicates to form the induced deductions, it’s extreme unction.
Holy oil & holy water, dipping you within and without it, nirvana my ecstasy kid
Out of nowhere, this dart at the board’s bull’s eye hit the mark, game hit a skid
Horror & comedy for the tragedy, before you know it, it’s over, havin’ some fun
As if I’m a thief in the night, ask if it’s my idea, to be or not to be a question, son.
About the Cadillac groove tube you’re animating as you’re programmed, yo man
Once the last breath allows the last thought, it’s a curtain call for the too old Ego
Did what it did, there’s no life post life, come on man, grow up, be all too human
Higher horsepower and cubic inch mass of heavy metal, all tribal mumbo jumbo.
Call it the filet mignon of the bloody sacrifice on a funeral pyre BBQ spit, not Be
One who gets eaten, in communion of mouth, lips & tongue, chew or tooth free
Saved from eternal damnation with the preachers & priests who covered the lie
That black night’s skies you see are YOUR pretending to be part of the apple pie.
Small piece or one whole shebang’s atomic nature, microscopic & too big to fail
As your hope & dreams are dashed upon your last wind-gasp, as you blink hale
Fathers and mothers, sons and daughters all merge into the dark matter’s point
No return from Singularity son, incarnate nevermore, now, GTF out of this joint!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, March XXVIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 0808 hours
{ Right outta Nothing, jammin’ to @GovtMule link @ https://t.co/kypZsArBKm }
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