Higher than the rocks that gravity pulled out of the bowels of the uttermost echelons Inside of our tombs where our dust and leftover calcium deposits, Smith & Jones felons
Farmers more famous than Amos, Andy or another Oreo Uncle Tommy blacker panther
Corked bottles, 41 soul shots before morphine into vinegar-gall, high cost, forget forever.
I was present in the past times I’ve spent since I metabolized the leaking golden dawn’s funk
It bounced from one place in Space to another until a time came to become junk in the trunk
Showin’ off the curves & the ways of a beguiling wobble and ooze of aggressive heaven scent
Before I was conceived, you knew me then like you know me now, you all knew what I meant.
Head is aching worse than your mother’s loins once she regained consciousness, consumed ice
Frozen stiff, melted or evaporated, the H2O remains the never-neverland of Eve & Adam’s vice
Claiming pseudo paradise lost ain’t found, invisible & ghostly yet all we know & all we care about
Beach boys and surfer girls roamin’ the Malibu, north and south, up and down God’s roundabout.
Certainty of only one thing is possible, we’re all gonna die since we’re all alive, odds are with death
Thinking that your consciousness is evidence that you’re alive, you come & go both in & out breath
My babies mouth’s need to be fed, it’s not the hunger games, this is serious as a heart attack stalker
One boogie man or witchy woman who have designs on my Time in this Space, sippin’ john walker.
Annie Oakley came into and went out of my life like lightening strike to the copper antennae I fly
All charged of positive and negative neutrons devoid of protons and electrons charge the blue sky
Chasing tail and gettin’ caught in the freedom usurper, it’s just the way it is, nothing is personally me
Details are understood, performance is easy goin’ downhill even when you got a spirit nobody can see.
Bouquet of chills and the stuff I couldn’t spill, all rolled up into a ball of confusion, a debt of the Red Sea
Herd of queens in the pistols’ gold and silver bullets, they breed and multiply geometrically all over me
I saw the corpses appear for a day or three, somebody’s other, unknown still all faith lost, eyes closed
For good means forever, bad means so much better than the best, then pretty ugly I got it all covered.
Better than it ever was since the Big Bang’s settlement of subatomic strata, #Woke #Awake #AtOne
Monkeys all had uncles and aunts who procreated the germs, it’s who we all are, facing one & done
I am the result of things not dying before they left a reproduction of their love and dirty water cache
DNA copied RNA from the One and geometrically progressed to the here and now we are, Oh Gosh!
I took all the pills for the high eye brows and low blood pressures of the Lord’s big boy, atheist soul
In the urn I’ll earn, or the grace I’ll leave inside of the coffin of dust and bones, leavin’ it all on a roll
Rollin’ sixes & threes just in case the skill’s not a wasted daylight time on the block, a hurricane ring
What my purpose is has everything to do with thinking I’m more than A Cause of zeroes & Nothing.
Surface of glass and deep down under the current near the bottom of the well, a holy hole aplenty
Blues’ soul & bloody heart flow wind and fire like water, liquid gas smokin’ to be the land of the free
Uncertainty breeds principles of first dates with the ‘other’ flirted with to merge a bag of 208 bones
Looks like appearances are everything even to the stone blind from birth, rhapsody playin’ groans.
Take these blues far away from me Maria, the sunshine hurt my eyes and the dreams all that I see
No light outside of me, I am all there is for me, I’ll leave nothing behind once I feel the need to be
Neither here nor there, name the place in Space, the historical Times of the good, the bad & ugly
Comma, colon, question & quotation marks, be Diamonds, Wisdom’s Bop mode, mind play hooky.
Sensitive knowledge of the sensitive kinds of woman in the species who obeys the wannabe inner elf
Magic’s all there ever was or ever could be, Fear’s all I fear in this hard liquor fix, shotgun-mix wedding
Got gold O-rings, double saw-buck for the license’s words, until death do we part, cool cat’s top shelf
Drunk on Kool-Aid, hungover at seven AM, off to work, the job I do, I am ONE, the guard of Sing Sing.
Seeing straight and loving the regrets, makes you cry & feel the emotion, I second that emotional sigh
For the science and religion of my mother and father, my education made me guess a wild one, I die
To be or not to be you must be willing to let it all go in the end, can’t be taken on the journey, stay high
Above or below the matrix, honor your mother & father, your diamond in the haircut fade to black sky.
By the time I got to Phoenix, the train had already left the station, I had to walk to mighty mountain hills
It’s the natural progression of the Ways and Means committee to get every notion you imagine to come
To your poor life & just before you die, be astonished that you & your mother are both “Of The System”
That’s the way it is & that’s all you need to know, father, you never know why it’s The Way, cheap thrills.
If I said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times, Love can’t be bought and it can’t be sold, hooker gold
Covers over and under me, in my cloud-like bed of coffin nails, who knew that’s where I’d die getting’ old
I knew, that’s who, just couldn’t tell anyone who wouldn’t believe the facts of life, a soul searching finish
Out of sight for a life changing experience out of the Dark, took one last stab, I die, you get dead @FISH.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, April VIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
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