One gesture left over from One, original sin of the first two sexes, artists’ reproductions of skull boned Serious or not, you and I had been what we’ve always been, greater than the gods who created the rocks
Planets, moons, solar systems, galactic nebula & black holes’ Singularities, asleep yet #Woke up/downs
Simple categories of substantial matter and energy will disappear and terminate the angst of the clowns.
Holy holly and the pitiful followers of the dead meat-men of history, scientific & priestly philosopher
Insanity asserted into the subjects, objects & predicates of the Ivy Leagues’ infantile, coffins are safer
Boots on your feet first & then they’re on the ground of being, earth’s plane of existence to be, I see
Look like a naked ape, hairless except for the gene splice of smooth tricks of the red, black & whitey.
Hours every day, every year move onto the finale of a stage play, my life, your life, the bad-goods I ball
Every breath we took out of the ball of confusion will not return to it’s matrix, we’ve metabolized it all
Ball of confusion in a 9-ball rack, a triangulation of solid/striped-colored circular, rollin’ hunks of ivory
Inside the rectangular plane, we bank to and fro just for fun or for a shark’s dinner of billiard-ball glee.
Junk all used up and no function leftover other than to pile up in a trash heap or burn up in dark smoke
As vapor goes up, it comes down too, there’s no place to go in outer space outside atmosphere choke
Moon is a couple hundred thousand miles away from Earth, millions of miles from the star we call Sun
Bright for a while and then turning dark, black hole & a Singularity, like the thing they called Zeus’ fun.
Punks and idiots wrote the word, morons taught the germs the words and here and now we’re all here
You never know why you struggle but in one moment you’ll find out, when you’ve run out of your time
Empty Space is infinite & needs your rawhide & your hair, inside of your spirit’s invisibility on a dime
Your luck is, in reality the intent of your Will to Power, criminals and broken minds are what they seem.
Pistol-whipped and gunned-down, sliced and diced into invisible, atomic molecules of oxygen & carbon
This is It, a gravitational collapse of neutrons, electrons & protons of reality, y’all know you’re all done
Perfection and the hot flames of starfire created and morphed the twirling menudo of wasted gas, son
I know it, you know it, we’re all gonna die, you in particular, sooner than you had thought, now It’s On!
You need cars, trucks, trains, jets and a fearless soul to hang-out in the hangers with the automation
Locomotion from crawling, walking, running, jumping and flying leads to nowhere you know, heaven
Or the other place unknown to the living yet, smoking plants is not eating plants, it’s illegal to smoke
Your mind’s a terrible thing to waste, you’re no better or worse than an eaten, defecated, dirty joke.
Colder than fun in the summertime & hot licks in the winter, why you don’t use synchronized hog-pigs
A swagger you can’t figure out how anything fits into a thing and has no ties to its OG origin, holy city
Neutral or negative can pull off the positive in every possible scenario of the stage play christened digs
Where I'm dead myself, where I am & will always be today, tomorrow & yesterday, say, I AM infinity.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, 4-24-2023 Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Drafted in effigy of @Tucker_Carlson while listenin’ to @GovtMule #CortezTheKiller link @ https://youtu.be/HaWEvXT-eaM }

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