Whatever floated your boat yesterday is sinkin’ your deck today, it’s a matter of Time’s SpaceHigh or low both above and below the waves, you’re a moron or you’re an idiot, it’s optional
You’ve got the RNA of both but the DNA doesn’t always reveal the fatal flaw of the fuzz face
Lucky to have devised the signals of smoke & hand forms of silent force to be reckoned with.
Plants and animals are rollin’ around while standing still in one place, one spot moves still
Until there’s no more movement allowed by the powers that be, the minions survive the kill
Trying to keep the highest earners around to pay for the grifters & troubadours commit sins
Their voices & the sinews of their herds of animals, bark of trees, metal of pig iron maidens.
There’s junk in the yard & there’s junk shot into mainlines of grief for the dead head dreamer
None too good and many too bad to be alive, yet here they all are, born to the virgins & studs
Got the dreams on while the horns grew too hard to stay that way, the explosion forced breed
Boys & girls to grow & perform identical parts, ad infinitum for no reason, all begone to seed.
Ice melted because the star was too hot to be, too cold to never be & so away we go, we fell
Onto the beds of the rivers, the shores of the lakes, seas & oceans, where the dead get buried
If you don’t bury the dead six feet deep or eat the dead, they’ll stench to high heaven, in hell
As the ignorant & stupid move from place to place, they’ll find & die on the first pile that died.
Five will get you ten that my dad was proud of his firstborn in Chicago getting a BA in Philosophy
Ten squared will get you a hundred and if you square that to ten thousand, ad infinitum’s reality
Jobs done, the work was output, the product is finished, bought, sold and on the way to the top
Of the men and mice who crawl and shimmy up the pole, it slips like the slopes, coitus interrupt.
Justify your argument for what you require, what you need or what you want that you can’t get
Impossible to expect all fruits of working from teenage years to the sexy sixties, so deep in debt
Nobody gets out of this fight without battles & losses before the ultimate triumph of a last gasp
Paid off the notes, mortgages, loans & the rest of my kin’s debts, they didn’t know Life is a Gas!
Underneath my hoodie anyone can see if they look, that I’m the best I’ve been, don’t look
I’ve done nothing right or wrong, homeless or just a Homer givin’ the lowdown, royal blue
Pins in my cushion poked clear thru & thru so they wouldn’t come easily, all stuck like glue
Pullin’ no punches now, here’s an upper cut & a right cross, you are OUT swung a left hook.
Kill you ‘cause y’all are killin’ me, if you read & laugh at the joke, it’s on you, this ain’t #NoJoke
A pinch of the sounds understood as signals of mental thoughts, invisible to this 20/20 insight
Finish up your argument about a reason for trippin’ around Earth in this Form, snorting Matter
Simple mind, simple explanation for a First Cause of these subsequent socio-economic banter.
I’m out of the picture, so are you but you don’t know it yet, imagine going to livin’ underground
Below an everyday experience of your google function, signed & sealed from a pitcher’s mound
I would indeed take a bullet for you baby, you know it, only one like you to me, it’s all academic
Ugly made beautiful in symmetry as Yin & Yang might in a 3-dimensional circle, get on the stick!
Now the tunes will broadcast from cell to cell, absorbed into the embedded DNA code as RNA
Moronic fools are in command of the evolution of the genome, are you like your mama & papa?
Probably you didn’t even know who your mother or your father were, raped and orphaned also
By the by, you’re already gone, already right where you’ve always been, gangland’s funky fiasco.
There ain’t no justice, means that there Is justice, it’s double negative trump in a player’s game
Acey-Deucy wild, drawing a royal flush with a heart’s ace high bluff, everyone folded the same
Cool bluff, you are mindful, and you are possibly a moron, probably you have brain damaged It
Your mind and brain malfunction between your ears, you are a witness to the idiots talkin’ chit.
Brains above and below the Earth’s dirt, same old story, so it goes, on and on until the Ending
It’s always the same, last gasp, a wink and a nod, bury or burn you, remember you, that’s All
Nothing more nor less, religion of the gods & devils made the Earth twirl in the twilight foam
Come over & get the help you need to survive in the sea of virus & bacteria, you call it, HOME.
I’ve got a line on orgasm bytes of RNA available on Earth, catalogued & accessible to One, me
You’ve got just enough, not too much & not too little nerve to be brave in the face of danger
It’s something that’ll kill you, end your brief tour of duty on the planet, Truth of God, All Hers
You thought God was all too human Man, you were in error, Woman is Hot in animal coat furs.
r j j stephan, i
c. September XXth, MMXXIII Anno Domini
{ Mercredi, September XX, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST }
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