Sisters higher than the upper atmosphere & lower than inside the core of Earth superbStratospheric imperfection as outer essence of the holy cell, a living cellular reverb herb
Contents as the fake essence of the brain’s function, exhibiting all one mind’s hussy fits
Fishing about in green rivers or on great lakes was always the way, life on open fire pits.
Bills with numbers and words typed and written in French, kidding, in English or pig Latin
Dreaming I awoke from a dream within a dream, walkin’ around, you had me at, “Hello”
You cannot make this up, it’s all the nature of the original beast, a moment’s smooth satin
All on your mother, man, that’s all there was, all there is, you come & you will also go-go.
In between conception & dissolution of organic matter we inhabit IT to do the Bossa nova
We all live the luck out from every cause & effect you can get when y’all are safe in place
There is the fact of life, your father told you the way to go, middle path ‘tween right & left
Peanuts and seeds of plants and animals, right here, right now, will explode in Supernova.
I’m perfectly happy not being unhappy, that itself makes me happy, this is a hold-up, stick
Your hands go up, your pants go down, pockets emptied, your pants go back up, you Dick
Or Richard or Rickie or Richie echoed sounds of vowels and consonants in omnibus bills
To make everything better than it was yesterday, you’ll have to perfect the imperfect shills.
Impossible, I know it, you know it, they know it, we all know it, there’s no way out of Hell
No high-water to get above the fire that wants to burn you, skin & bone, as it’s always been
As above, so below, a violent solar system & galaxy, a pantheon of the RINOs ringin’ a bell
You got this and yet you don’t have anything at all, dominoes fall, game’s over, it’s the End.
I’ve confidence that I’m the harbinger of my tooth’s demise, I finally found One’s toothpaste
No denial that you & I love our selves & any form of life we can use or eat, we have free love
Inherited from Hippies of the sixties who hated fighting & killing in wars of dead young men
Carbon perfected in burning hot atoms of molecules, One mind’s a terrible thing, H2O lace.
Contents as the fake essence of the brain’s function, exhibiting all one mind’s hussy fits
Fishing about in green rivers or on great lakes was always the way, life on open fire pits.
Bills with numbers and words typed and written in French, kidding, in English or pig Latin
Dreaming I awoke from a dream within a dream, walkin’ around, you had me at, “Hello”
You cannot make this up, it’s all the nature of the original beast, a moment’s smooth satin
All on your mother, man, that’s all there was, all there is, you come & you will also go-go.
In between conception & dissolution of organic matter we inhabit IT to do the Bossa nova
We all live the luck out from every cause & effect you can get when y’all are safe in place
There is the fact of life, your father told you the way to go, middle path ‘tween right & left
Peanuts and seeds of plants and animals, right here, right now, will explode in Supernova.
I’m perfectly happy not being unhappy, that itself makes me happy, this is a hold-up, stick
Your hands go up, your pants go down, pockets emptied, your pants go back up, you Dick
Or Richard or Rickie or Richie echoed sounds of vowels and consonants in omnibus bills
To make everything better than it was yesterday, you’ll have to perfect the imperfect shills.
Impossible, I know it, you know it, they know it, we all know it, there’s no way out of Hell
No high-water to get above the fire that wants to burn you, skin & bone, as it’s always been
As above, so below, a violent solar system & galaxy, a pantheon of the RINOs ringin’ a bell
You got this and yet you don’t have anything at all, dominoes fall, game’s over, it’s the End.
I’ve confidence that I’m the harbinger of my tooth’s demise, I finally found One’s toothpaste
No denial that you & I love our selves & any form of life we can use or eat, we have free love
Inherited from Hippies of the sixties who hated fighting & killing in wars of dead young men
Carbon perfected in burning hot atoms of molecules, One mind’s a terrible thing, H2O lace.
You and I know the conception is the concept, analyzed It, each one identical to the first One
First you cry then you find laughter is better, the devil may care attitude that you’ll be alright
There’s no other way to see this even if you’re blind of eyesight and hindsight, it’s a fistfight
You threw the first punch and I got the finality blow, the kick at the side of the head, no gun.
Gave me back my bullets and my badge with my license to kill the evil perceived to be so ugly
Beauty in the eyes of the beholder is dark, blackness without light when your sight’s all gone
Fix is in, the control is out of your hands, your prayers beseeching gods are unheard by Space
Above and below the clouds you’re in need of the H2O, liquid gas to replace excremental fuel.
Popular I am with the dead & gone, angels high and low fear my footprint & speech of power
Peace and love for the chaos and haters of the good, bad & ugly, horror coming Halloweener
Tricks or Treats in your bags of candy and popcorn wrappers, injected with the sugar of Satan
It’s how you roll when you’re in a panic to breathe and release the locks on Power of A Man.
Didn’t know I could see the future until the future arrived & I recollected the repetition of It
Over & over again, holy scat & the full metal jackets are loaded & the trigger’s on safety chit
Battle comes & you’re ready, if not, you die younger than you should have, one eye open, so
Prepare to sleep lightly, it’s 24/7 info changing reality as we know it, “It’s Aliens in a UFO!”.
There are injuries & death in the war zone, grieve if you’re lucky, bleed out your bloody sins
In or out of a hive, a cave or network of underground, divine carbo-hydrated tiny diamonds
Nasty backdoors are the only ways in or out of the Fix, Live evil lives, a Good Life on steroids
Star, sunny starlight, blown gas in a Void, paid extra for my knowledge, wisdom, boyeeeez!
r j j stephan, i

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, ROCKTOBER IVth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 0830 AMPST
{ Drafted in my space in the corner, while jammin’ the force through my skull & bones injecting Rock of @PointerSisters link @ }

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