Silver bells and golden chains ringing and banging at the dawn of heaven and Earth, for me & for you What I know is nothing more than I’m alive & I’m gonna die but I don’t know why, I rejected saviors too
Nobody dead is gonna save me from my death, I don’t know about you, maybe you’re specially created
By the power that is Oneness in the middle of multiplicity, dreaming that you’re awake in the shebang.
Height and weight matters to the skull and bones that carry your load from here to there, whatever it is
It can’t be something that will ever happen again in my lifetime, not for me to know or to see all of this
Hate and love are the result of this Big Bang, the original G wandering in the middle of the Void’s nucleus
Right there in the middle of the bullseye, it’s all happening for the good of being an all too human fuss.
My oh my, the black swans are flyin’ in for the mating season, there’s a conflict with the comprehension
On the one hand there’s absolutely Nothing at all in the universe other than human beings, sons of gods
We’re let off here for a timely stop that pretends eternity is temporary yet it’s the final mark of the beast
Beast being what I am, what you are, what we all are, beasts of burden, carrying the dancing dream fest.
Only you know & I know, everyone else is out of the loop, downtown to the westside, angels fear to go
On an ‘L’ train or a subway, the CTA, the taxicabs, the rentals & the POVs roll the people in a big show
All it is to be or not to be at One with the invisible, ignorant light burning ur sun-star’s atoms, I’m a fan
Up unto and including the Black Hole & Singularity which theoretically exist in the minds of the human.
Walk after you scoot & crawl, getting up on two feet for a stumble upon two, four, six or eight leg whacks
On the perfect cement sidewalks, asphalt streets, boulevards & avenues lining the brick houses of Wax
Here’s the trick, four eyes wide open, scan a wavelength’s spectrum for frequencies, aliens of tricky Dicks
Now, over there & then, past or future, time ain’t on my side, it’s got no side, Time is tight, all 24/7 ticks.
Finale just like the moody blues’ leftovers, I will to be & boom, I am, I will not to be, can’t be plural, uno
Where I’ll be is wherever I may have been during my mom’s labor conception, time for a wet coitus, son
Pedal to the metal & two balls to the wall, I’ll win the race I didn’t know I was in Hell, down with the fool
Finale begone, keep it up for infinity, you’ve got Nothing better to do, Nothing, you will know what to do.
Support the weak with strength, let the good times roll, all night long up & down the bowling strikes 12
Ending a malfunction, no blind faith to share with natives of islands, or stuck on shore for this Shelf
It is the spirit of spinning Earth’s sand shelf puts us in the third eye blind controversy below & above
Yet it’s not unusual to recollect the last time in olden dazed showers, heyday’s pseudo-science ala love.
Hot and cold flashes to fill your waking life with the focus on pain, suffering, the end of the nine lives
That is the craziest thing about it all, you don’t know what you think you know, I believe in bar dives
To be there in a hurry with a dollar in my wallet and pure gold in the kit-n-caboodle, then I die in sleep
Darkness in caves that ran out of star light from the day’s & night’s respective climax, pretty girls’ faces.
She’s got no money, but she is so cute, I think I got lucky with my early life’s sacrifice and holy scat
Down with the speech, the Georgia peaches are the only ones my buddy in Florida can be in that
Full fools, working out with the cheap wine and knock-off brews, highlights are in my deep sleep
On my pillow’s satin casing, moving when I’m at rest, you will get what you get if it’s in the sheep.
They won’t let you die but you will regardless of your wish for a long, healthy life without a tide
Of waves movin’ in for a surf of waves unseen in SoCal, off of Malibu way up to Big Sur’s slide
Of rocks and sand rollin’ off of the coast property, conquering the soil and innocent fauna to eat
Nimble and pivoting is easier than once thought, maybe twice or three times twelve, mega feat.
Terror & horror in a thimble, smoke screen out in front or in back, scream in a microphone’s fur
It’s hilarious and hella good, it’s hilafarious or something like that there, this here ain’t no disco
Time is moving second by second, minute by doobie brothers minute, super fine in spunk utero
Sixty times six equals the product, the force of one mind’s intent to materialize the will to power.
Military soldiers, marines, sailors & flyboyz will end the beginning of the inferior force rising up
Whipsaw the things in front of your eyes and drop in for a spell, sip the witch’s brew in a big cup
Deterrence works, you think you got magic but you don’t, yet you think you do, lies inside of chit
Your blind faith in leaders will get you killed; you know that right? Oh, you forget easily about it.
Here is the scourge, terror is a part of species extinction, scare the eggs out of being conceived
Then the panspermia doesn’t have an effect, scare the scat out of the young & continue the dead
Every byte of data within this Cosmos will be destroyed and deleted without retrieval possibility
In & out of the hamburger joint, animal style double-double & A.S. fries, chocolate shake for me.
Blown jobs between us all, there is a Will, then there’s a Way, Force of intent moves the male son
It builds DNA from within the invisible matrix, the exact code is not too human but a bit apelike too
To know you have to be first or last, but you must immerse your psychoanalysis notwithstanding It
Family is forever through this form of quality comm, understanding incomprehensible Revolution.
Civilian or military in a cultured society all put their shoes on the same way, every day one at a time
Weapon of choice is my Word, although you’re intelligent, won’t see it comin’ in stealth on a dime
Her needs are my desire, I have no other reason to be present here and now, it’s been fun, that’s all
Keepin’ it lit, blunts burn, the mind blows, you’re in and you’re out, Magic of Adam & Eve, Fall!
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, BLOWVEMBER Xth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Jack’d this up while listenin’ to some @VietNamWar Rock songs from 1969-1973 link @ https://youtu.be/sDcRCHXQ9gs?si=C2KAZIkYNiz_Omme & a #Frontline Viet Nam Special link @ https://t.co/7V1ww51sl7@Armstrong_GettyRadio on @650kste link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ }
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