
Thursday, November 09, 2023

VALENTINO IN NOVEMBER, AN APES' SCAT LEFTOVERS #SpidersAndDamnSnakes #CATFISH like a @RollingStone #HoundsBeginToHowl #ThrillsGone


 Fifteen years more from day one to the day before the last day when you huff one last breath
How do you feel when you realize the idiots and morons you're related to by way of dead gods
Reason for Reason and steps in my elderly groove, words are up, keep down the food pea pods
My world got lifted up from the bottom of my heart to the stretch of my rubber soul's megadeath.

Underneath the moon or over and out of it, here and now is the tie around your turkey neck stud
By and by, where we're headed, nobody's comin' back with any warnings or illuminationary cud
Full or even half full is better than nothing at all, believe me, take my word for it, it's a dream too
One inside dreams forgot about all the facts of life, papa never warned you about turning so blue.

Outerspace, inter-spatial time warps into the Singularity of the Black Hole's cosmic slop of RA
Son, it's the sun, the thing itself we can't do without because it's all there is, solar system gods
Planets named after their invisible rocks that roll around the elliptical, Peking, Moscow to L.A
Features of the future are invisible before they manifest from the matrix, keep hoping' hot-rods!

Strumming the streaming from the cyberspace of a plug into the wall's auto battery, it's a fad
Passing in the night with honkies and no-count misguiders who muff up the whole shebang
Barrels of boogie and woogie playin' for the fools upon the hills, up above the sea of the bad
And the good and ugly follow, because God is, was & always will be the source of the evil life.

Given to the created jinns for their tricks of smoke and mirrors filling the room with Awesome
As above, so it is below, talking the mountain tops to the core of the center, hot balls of sparks
Fired up on the sentient ones, filling the coffers up with the grace and indulgences of the Dumb
You ain't takin' anything with you, forget about it, enjoy the momentary lapse of Reason's sum.

Take time to animate skulls & bones, make certain all ducks are in a row before Jack Daniels' shots
Firewater in a bottle, you lose your compass' northern point, fall down, pass out on your ill robots
Sickness in health, marriage vows of your mother and father and their faith in the unknown herds
Innocent babies you have no idea, scientists, artists and clergy of political pundit grandmothers.
Forever came and went without me even knowing it was here at all, I jest with you, I am a drip
Of water or blood, it makes no difference in those different forms of life, we are here on a trip
If and when you come around to opening your eyes, your eyes will be blinded by lights so fine
Misguided little girls and baby boys lookin' like they know it all, when knowing means, divine. 

Angels sing but nobody hears the song, it's a silence and a fool's errand to remain the same man
As the one you were before you got conceived in the middle of nowhere, neither here nor there
Souls are the animation, without the sparks and charge of the climax, it all would go extinct, dig?
You know it, sayin' stay #Woke, you'll choke your last gasp, eyes wide open in the nick of time.

Sorry was a game I played as a child but was never sorry at all, things needed to be done, It Is Done!
Now and then you get another shot, another chance at the contemplation of your mom's belly button
The money is on me, favors me to Win, Place & Show the reason for the human race, to wind it down
Cause of the world's end, systematic missile annihilation, all 7 continents and their sandy, grey shores.
Ran into you once, you didn't know it was me, you said, "Hi, how you doin'?"  I said, "Fine & you?"
There and then we became linked and didn't know it for sure, the smile made it clear you had the blues
Ready to roll 'em away at the first dawn of light, before being blinded lookin' directly into the solarity
Now it is then, like it or not, no tomorrow like today, Rise & Shine, non-believers can never, ever see.
Tweeting birds signing over the day to the ones who hear the message, like it or not, it's so pretty
Every day and every year passes in a #240 way, double speed like the Rolling Stones' little ditty
Satisfaction about living and dying here and now, that's a treat worth exploring for the young heart
Finding stones rolling for it, action of heaven & hell move the boys and girls to act, so they phart.
Breeze slammin' into my head, I know it won't be long now, before the pearly gates slam shut on me
A bad boy I was and I liked it that way, around midnight I changed once I laid down to bed to sleep
Haven't slept much in two days, lights on all night long, pullin' out of the syndrome in my CJ5 jeep
Ready to roll, upon dirty rocks and dumps of garbage, plastic, paper, tin, aluminum jars are cheap.

Over and out from the beginning, radio silence on the promenade, imagination sparked the gods
Where is all the manuscripts of written language of night sleepers who go to to a quilt covered
Time and Space ain't on my side, I'm a passenger on this remote view of humanity's wet dream
Comin' above & below, divine DNA immortal code, testes to ovaries, come-back cyber-stream.

Era of stupid & dumb progeny taught by instructors who misunderstood socialist school lessons
Who comes before me as if I'm the king of kings, everyone of the cells inside of my body loins
Fear is the high you need to survive, without it you'll be snatched out your perch above the fold
Alerted by a yellow light, stopped on the red light, gone in sixty seconds on the run at the green.

Seized the means of production, in order for the species to enter extinction, they ate themselves
On bread or wine in the chalice of holy cannibalism, eat the savior, be saved from the shelves
Pop pills, swill booze, on the way into unconsciousness' fray, no fear, it is One's Void terminal
Silence ringing a bell, it tolls for me, trolls disregarded calls of the dead, my world is all gone.
My baby wouldn't let me take her back again, she went off with the milkman we didn't have one
Anyways, make no if's, and's or but's about it, you want 1/2 of my money or more, it's all yours
Once upon a time I's a driftin' like a ship out on the blue seas, you tugged me into harbor, gypsy
Everybody & their mama knows I'm here, hoochie coochie, one of the many, black cat, I am One.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Jeudi, Blovember 9th, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Jacked this jam up while jammin' to #CrossroadsToChicago part 1 @ https://youtu.be/xGIC2N7qFBo?si=C3auw8AUB8xorUjI & part 2 @ https://youtu.be/E8F81ug89sY?si=lEwARIOqd1SJxI9po @ChicagoIllinois (my personal hometown, #Northside }

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