
Friday, December 01, 2023


It’s not for me to say anything about the reason why I got so lucky to be
Here & now without a reason for being alive other than a bird & a bee
How now for the brown cows and the bulls in the fight for the freedom
That comes & goes with an evil, all bad boys & girls who love gruesome.

There can be no doubt unless it’s just for show, meaning it’s indubitable
Feature this creature in the starring role of a movie unseen by any deity
One that got away from the planets & their solar systems in the cosmos
It is all one and the same from first to the last day of ignition, fire hosed.

Counting from zero, the unknown ‘x’ factor in the equation of calculus’ ‘0’
All of it for One & the One is for All, believe it or not, incredibly, it is all true
Seniors of the aging population down to the unconceived virgins high or low
Punks are the unmoved mover’s tools to make the wheel hub barely roll to.

From you and your inner soul’s heartfelt emotion, a black hole sucks you in
To the infinite’s illusion of light and blown gas of universal atoms clear skin
Mighty spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs used to pommel your mind’s eye
Until all but empty space reveals the fact of life, Nothing matters to this guy.

Coast to border and sea to oceanic ooze of the hydrogen merge with oxygen
Gassed enough to cover the dirty, crusty rock & crumbled dust without a bin
Whatever Substance is, it’s neither more nor less than all too human crocks
If and only if you’re ready, you won’t be when your time is up on the clocks.

Party on the patio with or without your living bugs in or out of the bone’s skin
Cases packed without the suits, just an empty hole of an invisible kitchen sink
All you know about is everything I put into your empty recollection, the stank
It permeates your olfactory sense and cements the stick-ups, world-gold bank.

Regroupie mothers, who died before their time was up, accidentally on purpose
Freedom to be awake, woke-sleepwalking in a dream within dreams of soda pop
Nothing is everything and it’s more than the gods know, more than the Zen zero
Complete & total grim reaper filling up the empty hole inside of the poetic prose.

Either it rhymes or it doesn’t, Dover-pros can tell, Princeton & Harvard or Yale
Agreement in the prolegomena of all future metaphysics, you & they all gotta bail
Lowdown to the center of a middle-forked American River, California whore ore
Nugget of gold rock formed out of a lead core of planetary heat, out the in door.

Known this about the Unknown, nobody knows more than any other dirty bird
Crows & Eagles, fly above & beyond what is below the mud, blood & keg of beer
They’ll die to be eaten or buried after being shat from their elders who’re inferior
DNA evolved out the vacuous Void, all around THIS invisible, up & down, Word!

False conjunctions will become the interjections without propositional logic too
Meaning nothing is absolutely true, merely relatively true based upon the glue
Of the words used and understood to be the S#IT, as the young devour it’s ions
Evolved hairy monkeys, all got panties in a bunch, not my daughters’ godsons.

On a lazy river, you can catch me drifitn’ downstream from the hatchery of fish
I can’t kill ‘em & can’t eat ‘em, I watch them grow red & die of Death’s 3rd wish
Hard or soft rocks came from the One and same thing, nothing at all, absolutely
Far further out than one thought, gone out to salty sea, every old man can see.

Old women I cannot identify, wisdom qualifies as Self’s pure knowledge dung
Learned from books full of words misinterpreted from translations of the tongue
Holy or not sacred at all, in the end it doesn’t matter, your heart & soul are caput
You’ll see the light, last gasp, enjoy a ride of blind faith, hands up don’t shoot!

What you are, neither enemy nor friend, is a hard copy of 208 bones’ so tough
It’s a given for Liberty's psycho-social games, Sorry is a game & enough’s enough
You’re a cracker just like yo' uncles and grandpas before you, killed for the furs
Treat your feelings as if that’s all there is, nobody’s feelings matter but yours.

Parrots repeating sounds without knowing the meaning, nothing matters to ‘em
Shining like dark stars that show the light from millions of years ago, I’m them
If I wasn’t alive, I wouldn’t 've suspected that I was everything, existential phlegm
Junkie camps for high school graduates and drop-outs alike, all Jesus’ dropouts.

Fight for no right for anything other than snatchings from hooves of dark sheep
Maps to follow from where you are to where y’all gonna go, so sew what you reap
Unmoved then moved, here we go, on the way to utopian senselessness, a WAR
Peace is the Ends of conflict, extinction of the species’ chosen, rotten apple core.

Blown mind, inspiration of witches & warlocks to yell all spells out loud & proud
Pride in the hubris & foolish repetition of the impossible dreams, turn 'em up loud
Deaf to be dumb from birth to death, all the same for high IQ’s & idiots’ quiet shun
Commandments, theorems& ants go marching one by one, faux divine inspiration.

Kings’ queens filled the emptiness of a thousand room house with matter-forms
Breaking into bits of bytes in the soft or hardware, there’s the way & the No Way
Freedomless choice between un-marked cars & squads with cherry tops above
Turned on by the sirens who snap & scream to get out the way, up comin’ love.

Go out, search for the fine broads my uncles & cousins spoke of, facts of life too
Mothers & fathers of sisters & brothers of a First dude & chick in a garden Eden
Blue of the ultra Red, violet to crimson, burnt orange's blinding rod-coned brute
You see what you saw, told me the unbelievable relative truth about an absolute.

Streudle for all, got my cake & I’m eating it too, all about me, every breath I take
Without my breath, I don’t exist or relate to any plants’ or animals’ evolved cake
Green Godzilla or Red Rodan evolved mutations of the atomic ilk of a scientist
Gods wanna meet with the god of planet Earth, dead woman, dead man, the gist.

Heap up steel armor because obliteration is upon us, gaol security vertical bars
Height of absurdity can't be exceeded on the way to a Void, God's alive in Hell
Sore feet, aching hands, arms & legs so tired that sleep can’t cure goofy whores
Blizzard ideology of bringing frozen H2O down to melt on hot ice blazing, cold sores.

Weaponization of grievance, good to be bad idiots & morons who make-up rules
Imperfection comes from an original sin of Perfection, created with no tiny flaw
Evolved from the Will to disobey the power that creates Life & this world’s boost
Above & below all U-hauls are empty in California, nobody comes back, GD fools!

 r j j stephan, i 
c.  Vendredi, December 1st MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Freaked out minds this AM, bled this out of the capillaries while jammin’ to
@kste650 @Armstrong_GettyRadio link @ https://kste.iheart.com/ }

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