I found the middle of the fork between your mama & mine, assume y’all are ready rock & roll it out
All loaded out for a ride out to the canyon to drop in on the haven for the invisibles, twisting a shout
For the minions and the privileged of the species’ remnants of the good, the bad and the evil scheme
This love hymn of a lover to his lover, she knows who, why and what for, this dream within a dream.
If the scat is holy, it’s only because the birds need to tweet the song for the pretty, little checkmate
To hunt for the prey to feed the love of life itself, that’s a Xmas every, single spin of the Earth’s fate
On or off, up or down, in or out, the thing itself is beyond good & evil, it’s all about the shape’s form
DNA codex moves itself to duplicate nucleic acid substances which queerly follow an apple’s worm.
Dynastic inheritance of Nothing at all, 'cept my little queenie will fade to Harvey Wallbangers’ blue
On the preview of the prolegomena, I suggest you fetch a comfort spot & cup of Joe or hot cocoa too
Symbols introduced by a clash of cymbals, together we stand upon the apex where gods turn to rust
On the honor of my promise to live forever from the day my body dies and lies in boxes of urn dust.
What does Hell mean to humans if they’ve neither heard the word nor analyzed the pre-concept
Caring about Life and staying alive & pain-free from day One until the exit out of the origin debt
Original misbehavior, disobedience of the commands, the theorems, the laws, rules of the road
Assumed as a given without reserve, you’re alive, here & now, you’re gonna die, so now W T F ?
Throw on some English Leather to obfuscate the stink, the stank & the stunk-up hand me downs
Fear of flying can’t terminate a holy spirit flight from being Earthbound to the holy, ebony bones
Gone away from it all, came back to it all, it all came back to me, now I see it all, it’s all about me
My tongue is not in my cheek, I’m serious, without me, the whole world’s people won’t be free.
Underneath the façade of smoke, mirrors, makeup and loud noise and quiet noise, it’s a buzzard
Waiting for the carcasses to radiate the putrid, rot of the carnivore with dead meat in the gizzard
January 1st to December 31st every spinning revolution of 365.25 days, you get close to the dead
In a cemetery underground or above unlimited greenhouse gas emissions & Life to Death fauna.
That being said, by whom is one, long story, it’s a short paraphrase of a fake genius, an evil fool
Bought the entire lexicon for less than a farthing, now it’s a free for all, shredded by the #Nuge
Bass and drums complimenting the lead of the shredded frets, it’s a motor city madman rule
Get hard of hearing all for the sake of loud for no reason except to disturb the peaceful pool.
An enigmatic matter of Time and Space you gleaned from the plants and animals, a soul trippin’
Found on the road dead but still lurking as spirits in the night often do, crashed whiskey sippin’
But hey now, anyway you go, we’re all gonna go, nobody knows how or when, ‘why’ is, y’all sin
Against the creator of your species and the Terra ferma underfoot, bury you 6 feet under Slo Gin.
I desire what I need & need what I desire, it’s all too human, it ain’t my fault I’ve been washed
Up and down until I got in and out of the fixation nobody escapes from in the end, I’m cashed
Withering away or reinforcing the power that can’t be contained in a black hole or singularity
Got bent when I was ordered to get bent, no worries about the hard & soft things’ invisibility.
Existentially ungrounded being, RNA/DNA replication function & substance of evolutionary tea
Luck of the draw to become alive at all, further chance to succeed at random ends of the story
Beams of light, burning atoms of gas, turning order into queer nature of quark’s of blind seers
Greased the floor with lard and chicken fat, after 10 goin’ out lookin’ like a sharp dressed man.
All gone before you even knew I was there, it’s the hot stuff of myths, untrue story of strangers
They may or may not have walked or crawled anywhere down here, maybe the bible thumpers
In the beginning as it was and as it will always be, there’s nothing at all in Space, just demigods
Crime committed in grime or pristine spaces where angels fear to go, I win, I beat the hotrods.
All loaded out for a ride out to the canyon to drop in on the haven for the invisibles, twisting a shout
For the minions and the privileged of the species’ remnants of the good, the bad and the evil scheme
This love hymn of a lover to his lover, she knows who, why and what for, this dream within a dream.
If the scat is holy, it’s only because the birds need to tweet the song for the pretty, little checkmate
To hunt for the prey to feed the love of life itself, that’s a Xmas every, single spin of the Earth’s fate
On or off, up or down, in or out, the thing itself is beyond good & evil, it’s all about the shape’s form
DNA codex moves itself to duplicate nucleic acid substances which queerly follow an apple’s worm.
Dynastic inheritance of Nothing at all, 'cept my little queenie will fade to Harvey Wallbangers’ blue
On the preview of the prolegomena, I suggest you fetch a comfort spot & cup of Joe or hot cocoa too
Symbols introduced by a clash of cymbals, together we stand upon the apex where gods turn to rust
On the honor of my promise to live forever from the day my body dies and lies in boxes of urn dust.
What does Hell mean to humans if they’ve neither heard the word nor analyzed the pre-concept
Caring about Life and staying alive & pain-free from day One until the exit out of the origin debt
Original misbehavior, disobedience of the commands, the theorems, the laws, rules of the road
Assumed as a given without reserve, you’re alive, here & now, you’re gonna die, so now W T F ?
Throw on some English Leather to obfuscate the stink, the stank & the stunk-up hand me downs
Fear of flying can’t terminate a holy spirit flight from being Earthbound to the holy, ebony bones
Gone away from it all, came back to it all, it all came back to me, now I see it all, it’s all about me
My tongue is not in my cheek, I’m serious, without me, the whole world’s people won’t be free.
Underneath the façade of smoke, mirrors, makeup and loud noise and quiet noise, it’s a buzzard
Waiting for the carcasses to radiate the putrid, rot of the carnivore with dead meat in the gizzard
January 1st to December 31st every spinning revolution of 365.25 days, you get close to the dead
In a cemetery underground or above unlimited greenhouse gas emissions & Life to Death fauna.
That being said, by whom is one, long story, it’s a short paraphrase of a fake genius, an evil fool
Bought the entire lexicon for less than a farthing, now it’s a free for all, shredded by the #Nuge
Bass and drums complimenting the lead of the shredded frets, it’s a motor city madman rule
Get hard of hearing all for the sake of loud for no reason except to disturb the peaceful pool.
An enigmatic matter of Time and Space you gleaned from the plants and animals, a soul trippin’
Found on the road dead but still lurking as spirits in the night often do, crashed whiskey sippin’
But hey now, anyway you go, we’re all gonna go, nobody knows how or when, ‘why’ is, y’all sin
Against the creator of your species and the Terra ferma underfoot, bury you 6 feet under Slo Gin.
I desire what I need & need what I desire, it’s all too human, it ain’t my fault I’ve been washed
Up and down until I got in and out of the fixation nobody escapes from in the end, I’m cashed
Withering away or reinforcing the power that can’t be contained in a black hole or singularity
Got bent when I was ordered to get bent, no worries about the hard & soft things’ invisibility.
Existentially ungrounded being, RNA/DNA replication function & substance of evolutionary tea
Luck of the draw to become alive at all, further chance to succeed at random ends of the story
Beams of light, burning atoms of gas, turning order into queer nature of quark’s of blind seers
Greased the floor with lard and chicken fat, after 10 goin’ out lookin’ like a sharp dressed man.
All gone before you even knew I was there, it’s the hot stuff of myths, untrue story of strangers
They may or may not have walked or crawled anywhere down here, maybe the bible thumpers
In the beginning as it was and as it will always be, there’s nothing at all in Space, just demigods
Crime committed in grime or pristine spaces where angels fear to go, I win, I beat the hotrods.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, Freezember 2nd MMXXIII @ 1:11:11 PMPST
{ Crafted this gem out of the matrix while jammin’ to @ZZTop #GreatestHits 2024 #BluesRock link @ https://www.youtube.com/live/RxQq545DWQk?si=_ERBnFiu9ppuPZdq }

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