Gas of the sun is the fire of our living soul, you'll never know the reason why you all erredBut if you wait until the day after you die, you'll see the poor souls passing in and out, dead
Quandary times putting the Times in a bottle to spin around clockwise or vice versa to point
At all of us at one time or another, first me, then you & then y'all ad infinitum, silver coined.
Bear with me while I bear open the whole truth about the three bears and Goldilocks, the end
Don't know 3 bears or any girl named Goldilocks, but why break into a bear's cave for porridge
Anyway, it could be worse, could have been skippin' to grandma's house through the forest edge
As it was above so it is below, someday all of the six kids will grow up and their lives will mend.
Guilty pleasures since the age of reason kicked in, around seven years & some change, nightmares
Something about big apes, like @KingKong comin' to my house & tryin' to break down the doors
I could see the apes right through the glass, just like Darwin saw the evolution of One lonely cell
In a nest or just free-floating in deep space without a paddle or rudder, waiting for a collision Hell.
You inherited the RNA that the entire genome of humanity has received via immaculate conceptions
Peculiar yet the absolute Truth is stranger than fiction, you cannot imagine why, ignorance blessings
Too busy bein' fabulous to think about us, it's fine because you taught me forever by all three things
Your little note & all you wrote, you ain't comin' home anymore, I ain't the one that had Adam's sins.
If it’s not too much trouble, please call me before my number changes for the good, better & best
I always wanted to be honest but I had to lie or I’d go straight to Hades, if you know what I mean
Fun and games happen when you’re allowed into the broods of the clan, it ain’t as bad as it could be
Ku Klux or Ann Klauck, whichever the person said their name was when I called, it was a high she.
Hey man, sure I shot the sheriff in my dream but IRL I only shot the deputy, I did not shoot the sheriff
If I wanted to I could have shot, it was the other guy in the crowd that shot the sheriff, not the deputy
So, there’s no double jeopardy and I know now that the law is trying to shoot me down, electronically
Pulling the plug on the Word, about places, faces and things that they do within the confines of alleys.
Bottom drops out one day & there’s nowhere left to stand up, for or against these tropes of the fool’s trip
Pretending that you’re rewarded or punished after the body dies is a myth that’s good for modification
Of normal, natural, selfish behavior of each person who is born all too humane for the divine, no mistakin’
The rocks roll downhill to the place gravity allows no further entry, wormholes of Time shots for drinkin’.
Bare handed fist fights in the ring of shame where the idiots & morons coerce the stupid to follow leaders
Shed all fears and anxiety and tears, the good, the bad & the ugly came in the trinity of saddened jokers
Who remember nothing before their birth, before the history of the civilized & brute, when God roamed
Free to be free, liberty without limit, nothing to prove & nowhere to go for anybody at all, kind of dead.
Oceans or leftover blood, sweat & tears, only seven dry pieces of dirt left to cover, to liquidate in the sea
You and I, regardless of the others who remember or don’t, we are gathering the thought of the One to be
Sent off to the airmail where Rickie has the number, it’s an infinite unknown but allows friendly fighting
To be or not to be is a rhetorical question of wanting to play the game, nobody wins when One is losing.
Slide over to my crib so we can shoot the breeze 'bout how long this has been going on 'tween y'all, us two
A one-way love affair each of us for our own selves and nobody else, it’s the easy way to avoid being blue
Suspicion of losing the winner kills the whole bundle of joy, present turns into silt of an azure sea of Asia
Stars overjoyed with unnatural glory of being alive, breathing air without suffering infirmity’s paraplegia.
Extraordinarily one and the same with the end of the days of the Earth, your days & mine, end at The End
Y’all ask voulez couches avec-moi? Well now, that’s about par for the course, it’s one gitchy-gitchy thing
Think about this, no intercourse between the XX & XY gametes means inevitable extinction, ding-ding
Ding-a-ling you know is better the ding-a-ling you don’t know, matter & formless Space & Time bends.
Predicament prefaced by the training to traverse the maze from beginning to end, there’s only one way out
It’s not what you would expect to be the end of the thing we got here, life in a fast lane, in a perennial bout
To win, to lose or to draw the tie for the game, it’s Monopoly-Parcheesi from the get Go to the finale’s end
You graduated or you wouldn’t be able to read these words, sweet nothings and a little something second.
Sweet like smelling sugar water or honey, how yo’ mama made you a diabetic baby with no skeleton key
Gods can’t fly because wings don’t exist on things other than birds & insects, come on man, you monkey
Ape-like movements, naked primates shaving and playing like their special delivery from creator kings
Blind faith in leaders, human beings you follow as you assume the Word is wise & well worth it things.
Bonafide beach boys and surfer girls rolled up & down west Highway #1 to catch the swells before dusk
Nothing like the forms of tan skin and bones comin’ to twilight, ready for the well drinkin’ at the high risk
Funk & Wagnalls meant the double entendre cadre of jamochs said words, sentences, paragraph, all bunk
Full of the scat digested after the three meals per day for seven years, 84 months of pablum & hardy funk.
Trees have leaves before they have fruits and nuts, the dream ends before the harvest, labor board strike
Hope & Faith are useless after death, only Life depends on their fictional accounts of the historical record
Reality bobs to the surface with a monster acting all too human, impossible to predict or measure intent
Of mankind full of the women who beget the children who have no idea why Life exists on Earth’s rent.
Foxes I have chased since 1969 on to the day before my wife said “I do” too, all could be dead & gone
I’m still here but not for long, a century comes before anybody knows it, you will forget you were her
Not because you want to forget, you’ll have no brain, mind or body, no memory to retrieve an origin sin
I have the TNT, it’s primed, dynamite can’t be the sun’s First Cause of implosion into the black hole’s kin.
Vicious battle inside of your head or outside of your home’s floor, walls & ceiling, every case is the bomb
Sombreros & my Zookie met for tacos & Tequilla shots, salt & lime pleasure, it’s rammin’ my CDROM
Books on the shelf, data breached in the cache of 0’s & 1’s whether the hackers like it or not, it’s so tricky
Intel is artificially produced by the hucksters & charlatans, you push & you pull, wrap your head ‘round.
Dog pets or friends who got your back like yo' dog would if you had one on a leash, you got it boon coon
Tricky to rock around the clock with nobody wanting to rob you of your fake peace and golden doubloons
Face to feet, it’s all down to this, you see me & then you don’t, I got chit to do & there’s no time to fathom
Chug-a-lug now in or out of the chopper, it’s the flames of the tiny fire heating up my blue jeans’ bottom.
Boys and girls grown into the women & men, workin’ for the Man, married to the mob, lettin’ kids down
Nobody knew, not even one mom or one dad, why they loved and made the children who all like to frown
Behind or in front of the whole shebang, you get down low and dig the action of life moving to & fro here
Red black dirt growing the plants & anima to these visions right in front of your face, ain’t no sin or fear.
Ridin’ on the freeway again, oh man, it’s the fine pink Cadillac 2025 A.D. stereo rockin’ the 88’s in traffic
Blocks past me in 5 seconds flat, there’s no sub-cruisin’ with the top dropped, & we’re in overdrive slick
Drops the pedal now, don’t wait because you’ll get here faster, quick as you can because I’ve got a secret
It’s all about you on my side of town, y'all come to my door, ring my bell, sundown, you’re cryin’, ah s#it!
I had One & Only, she moved up to the neon moon without me, I know where it’s at & I’ll fine here there
It’ll be time soon, she’ll wait I know, she’s got my Jack Daniels Black & a shot glass in your pretty hands
Your cowgirl brain made the cash, got the tickets & you’re here for the party, singing rockin’ country blue
Top of mountains, deep in a dark caves, ultraviolet light blew me away into the netherworld’s polar bear.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, Janvier XXth, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 333 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #SuperDeluxe #PhiladelphiaFreedom @SirEltonJohn on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/sOF6_kHBkyg?si=IGTvqCqg-srpQAAT & @ZZTOP #MARY link @ https://youtu.be/va9NM-Fnehk?si=s71WcXwHhlyZ_YQi & @TheEaglesBand #TooBusyBeingFabulous on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/hsDX5V1Jw-M?si=vQL7N6iZKfe6zdAe }F I N I S
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