
Sunday, March 31, 2024

#InTheMood @Prince #Nevertheless #AwayWeGo #JesusGotKilled #JesusDiedAndZombiedToCielo #LongLongAgoLongWasShort #DoobieBrothers #HeHasRisen

Cocks crow without regard for the sad days & nights, we’re skating on God’s thin ice
Steppin’ out on board hard rock stones & pebbles, Doctor Karl Marx was NOT nice
Any old man that’s unhealthy in the body, toe to brain scalp, will attempt extinction
By 2025 until 2525 Anno Domini, you will disappear into thin air, drink a lot of gin.
Inebriated you’ll be able to handle the theft of your liberty, you forgot you had fans
Together in the set of all monkeys in the barrel we can hold the cold, dead hands
Anybody knows how true the false prophets’ wisdom is, it’s Easter Sunday conjob
That a human can be alive since conception, die with a cold, dead heart to throb.

Lies ala mouth to mouth respiration to words of false prophets & mothers of gods
Spirits locked in a bottle with the genie who awaits the first of seven straight shots
This is not that, it’s more than this too, so this & that won’t take care of some stuff
Like your brain’s functional free will’s monkey-shines that reflect a goat in a gruff.

Evil spelled in reverse is Live which is no mere coincidence, it’s Divine Will fixed
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & all up there in Uranus
Features of the Big Bang’s solar system in a myriad of galaxies full of intrigues
Mysteries of speculative analysis have downloaded the data of idiotic obliques.

Apes became naked & frozen as ice until the killers covered their hooves nails
Foot and hand to mouth, it’s the way that’s narrow & dark, all except one fails
You know who it is, we all know who it is, pumping your fuel into your gas tank
Simple as Sad Sack, son, simple-minded & down from the high horse’s shank.

Bring your mother to the fight, throw your sister & daughter under a hot dog bus
Oscar Meyer or a home-made sausage compress, but anyway, it’s all about us
Holy smokes you can change the economic presentation of socialist love of fear
Bring a knife to a gunfight & you better be a ninja & whack your own ass in gear.

Sorting through the atoms in the categories, nothing is more or less, all of it
Nothing below or above the catastrophic perspective, extinction galactic chit
Can’t reproduce a species that triggers mass extinction moronic idiots of gods
Every single divine entity has nothing to do with our lives, only you & I know it.

Eliminate your mother and father from your origin and you do not exist here now
Wake up and don’t be #Woke with your eyes wide open, make it be so, low blow
Sort of the categories of substance by all Henny Penny folks, Chicken Little kids
In or out through a portal you can’t find, explaining the life of hobos on the skids.

Finally remember why I agreed to the conception deception, it’s I’m sorry game
Powerballs hangin’ low like a ripened fruit, ready for the win & ticket to the fame
Stupid idiot understands where all prey has hidden diamonds & gold, unmanned
Smart & evolved due to adaption to conflict resolution of footsteps in white sand.

A lot of water on this planet which is good because others have zip but dry bones
Buried as if it means anything other than false hope for the impossible dream sons
Coming from an imprint of an original father of us all, cosmic anomaly on i-phones
Without the charge of bovine scatology being disseminated through insemination.

Criminals are indistinguishable from your close associates and extended family
Of aunts, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, parents & siblings in land of free
Humanity being both above and below the Origin of Species becomes extinction
The media is complicit in allowing no negative impact reporting on POTUS sin.

Fins up means that you’ve kissed in the @JimmyBuffett club of drinkin’ Jack & 7
Honor for the dishonorable, always a mortal sin & maybe your soul is forgiven
Simpleton monument to the inverse induction of periods and quarters of games
Portions of BBQ’d T-bone steak you cut to bite-size you can toss to the dames.

Hiccup in my deep throat where I hide the top secrets of the realm, my command
Fixed your brothers and sisters up with their mothers’ heads on silver platters and
But the problem is, all the boys and girls want all of the joy in the world’s mortal sin
War and battles for the upper hands will actually suffice as the trigger for extinction.

Boring as the ultimate ennui, it’s the shake of the chills you get when nerves tweak
You can make it happen or it can be caused by the strangers who invoke a squeak
Harmony for a moment, then it’s back to the origin, chaos’ atomic fission in a bomb
Sunday to Saturday, every week ad infinitum, Time rolls on, minute by minute’s aum.

Hills climbed; mountains conquered to get what’s up near the top of the river’s head
It’s been said that there’s only one thing left to do before we die, get on your knees
Prayer won’t do any good at all except give you a solid illusion that it makes bread
Donations for the charity creating orphans & destitute soldiers that school the dead.

I cared for a lot of the breaths I’ve taken, in and out ad infinitum, it makes all oxygen
Move to the heart and soul through the lungs and circulating blood of a Hebrew jinn
Makes sense that you fished for the understanding you’ve gleaned out the Cosmos
Time and Space collapse right now, Singularity stretched your mass, crush it Hose!

Shadows all need a light, I’m smokin’ until I get the illusion full of the fake fight in 1982
Santa Barbara on @DoobieBrothers opening from the get-go it’s just Matter & the blue
Flame on to keep light in the darkness fired up, a torch for your freakin’ dime rhymes
Took it to back streets, blew horns, beat drums, strummed all three axes’ iced sickles.

Perfection be underestimated by guys & girls who live to rock Blues’ A-Train herds
Fabulous and fantastic beyond expectations where gods can’t die of heart attacks
Born to be wild and monkeyed around until I learned to raise Cain, lie to Abel & Eve
Just another Adam in paradise, ma & pa left me to rock alone, yo Theresa & Steve!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, March XXXIst MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 711 PMPST 
{ Crafted from the Void jammin' @TheDoobieBrothers #RealLove & #Hits LIVE @ https://youtu.be/3LCB_RdfdXc

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