Timing’s everything full of space whether you like it or not, if you live you’re gonna die
Regardless of your blinded faith in the future beyond your body of bones, gods are fly
Dime a dozen if you revert to historical recording of this thing itself, layin’ down law
On being human like your ancestors, they’re all dead, you’re gonna die, that’s it, raw.
By the time you die, you’ll know the Truth, ain’t gonna see the people who died before
With or without the Jazz & jive Blues, the world rocked as we resided & roared the roar
Through the hard & easy times presented by the nature of the beast, grace of God go i
Chilling colder than cool freeze frost, icicles hung as low as the best of a species’ lie.
Brought the fire down to the ground, split the atoms, then fused them back alive too
All of every single thing, subatomic to intergalactic, the cosmos is copacetic baby blue
Knowledge and wisdom the power to wield about the stratosphere, whippin’ the slaves
Chain react your pure thought of Nothing at all, will to power, to be the Queen’s knaves.
Scum is left over when the liquid has evaporated, yet there’s microplastics’ in the milk
Of our mothers if they weren’t afraid or dry as a lactose bone, we evolved out of their ilk
Y’all go back there, deep down into the darkness we came from, got so long in the tooth
Hanging until you’re being blamed for being out of your control, irrespective of the Truth.
Walkin’ in my shoes or yours matters as much as water goin’ down the drain, zero score
Winning and losing matters, happiness comes from the game & the win, never back door
Playing is one thing but winning is everything, losers are failures to communicate a power
To be or not, that’s the question & the answer is you’re all there is, nothing higher or lower.
Junk fills the rest of the emptiness with the dryer’s lint that sticks into a clump like friends
Harps playing like it or not, no need for that melody of string plucking, love’s stink sends
Aroma and scent of the atomic fission and fusion resulting in anthropomorphic sea of love
Hate cancels anything appearing to be Love, either absorb matter or be the end, be above.
Hurts too bad to feel the pain more than a moment, it’s the End of Your Life, dream’s over
Now and then, again and again, ad infinitum as it happens, you’ll roll over & over, love her
Systematic annihilation frequently solves problem species’ infiltration, evolution, natural
Dead ancestors paved the ditches & graveyards for entry, where else you goin’? Hey, pal!
Microplastic inside your plaque causing your death earlier than scheduled by the RNA seed
Heart seizes, soul fizzes and that’s all she wrote, so fearful that afterlife has standing creed
Utter vacuum of H2O & 4P + 5O2 yield 2P2O5, that’s the red line drawn in the invisible sand
Salt of the Earth, pencil-neck geeks and the genii who cultivate the culture, woman & Man.
So hurt by love, healed by it too, just because that’s the way it’s designed to be, just like me
Knowing you’re kinda like that you poor young ladies and young gentle boys, Timing’s rhyme
Liberty so fragile, we got it covered for the martyrs and heroes who came before, lucky to be
All Time & Space are the Fate you got, Destiny for you is for me, heal et al, drop a thin dime.
Regardless of your blinded faith in the future beyond your body of bones, gods are fly
Dime a dozen if you revert to historical recording of this thing itself, layin’ down law
On being human like your ancestors, they’re all dead, you’re gonna die, that’s it, raw.
By the time you die, you’ll know the Truth, ain’t gonna see the people who died before
With or without the Jazz & jive Blues, the world rocked as we resided & roared the roar
Through the hard & easy times presented by the nature of the beast, grace of God go i
Chilling colder than cool freeze frost, icicles hung as low as the best of a species’ lie.
Brought the fire down to the ground, split the atoms, then fused them back alive too
All of every single thing, subatomic to intergalactic, the cosmos is copacetic baby blue
Knowledge and wisdom the power to wield about the stratosphere, whippin’ the slaves
Chain react your pure thought of Nothing at all, will to power, to be the Queen’s knaves.
Scum is left over when the liquid has evaporated, yet there’s microplastics’ in the milk
Of our mothers if they weren’t afraid or dry as a lactose bone, we evolved out of their ilk
Y’all go back there, deep down into the darkness we came from, got so long in the tooth
Hanging until you’re being blamed for being out of your control, irrespective of the Truth.
Walkin’ in my shoes or yours matters as much as water goin’ down the drain, zero score
Winning and losing matters, happiness comes from the game & the win, never back door
Playing is one thing but winning is everything, losers are failures to communicate a power
To be or not, that’s the question & the answer is you’re all there is, nothing higher or lower.
Junk fills the rest of the emptiness with the dryer’s lint that sticks into a clump like friends
Harps playing like it or not, no need for that melody of string plucking, love’s stink sends
Aroma and scent of the atomic fission and fusion resulting in anthropomorphic sea of love
Hate cancels anything appearing to be Love, either absorb matter or be the end, be above.
Hurts too bad to feel the pain more than a moment, it’s the End of Your Life, dream’s over
Now and then, again and again, ad infinitum as it happens, you’ll roll over & over, love her
Systematic annihilation frequently solves problem species’ infiltration, evolution, natural
Dead ancestors paved the ditches & graveyards for entry, where else you goin’? Hey, pal!
Microplastic inside your plaque causing your death earlier than scheduled by the RNA seed
Heart seizes, soul fizzes and that’s all she wrote, so fearful that afterlife has standing creed
Utter vacuum of H2O & 4P + 5O2 yield 2P2O5, that’s the red line drawn in the invisible sand
Salt of the Earth, pencil-neck geeks and the genii who cultivate the culture, woman & Man.
So hurt by love, healed by it too, just because that’s the way it’s designed to be, just like me
Knowing you’re kinda like that you poor young ladies and young gentle boys, Timing’s rhyme
Liberty so fragile, we got it covered for the martyrs and heroes who came before, lucky to be
All Time & Space are the Fate you got, Destiny for you is for me, heal et al, drop a thin dime.
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, III-I-MMXXIV Ano Domini @ 644 AMPST
r j j stephan, i
c. Lundi, III-I-MMXXIV Ano Domini @ 644 AMPST
{ Drafted in the Wind of the Far West, Jack Toffs rambled while jammin’ to #TimingIsEverything by @TraceAdkins link @ https://youtu.be/0qxqjDYqkhI?list=RD0qxqjDYqkhI }
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